Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Grill bodybuilders anatomy question

Is it just me or do almost all grill bodybuilders seemingly have high lat insertions(and for those fucking weebs that want to comment about using muscle belly here is my annotation)? Where are the kai greenes of woman's bodybuilding? Maybe I just haven't seen them posted around here, or is there an actual anatomical reason for them pretty much always having higher insertions?

submitted by /u/Wisdoms_Son
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qEtXXG

One of the more underrated bodybuilders in my opinion

One of the more underrated bodybuilders in my opinion submitted by /u/FAisFA
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qCKfAc

Saturday, May 27, 2017

It may be angled oddly but I met Paul Dillet at Bodypower a couple of weeks back

It may be angled oddly but I met Paul Dillet at Bodypower a couple of weeks back submitted by /u/AchieveTheChange
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2r8x5gl

The Upper-Body Blitz Routine

Renegade Row
Edgar Artiga

Yes, you do have time to train. No matter how much time you have, it’s enough. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, and right here, right now, we’re telling you that you need only 360 seconds to jack up your heart rate, burn calories, and build new muscle—hence the name, M&F 360.

The following workout will do all the above in just six minutes, as performing each exercise for 60 seconds (or less) will severely test your stamina and muscular endurance. It may not sound like a long time, but trust us: You’ll be toast by the end. However, if you have more time on your hands or feel like pushing yourself, add one to two more rounds to turn it into a 12- or 18-minute workout.

Form check

  • One-arm DB row: Place one knee on a bench, supporting yourself with the same-side arm, and row a dumbbell up to your chest.
  • Renegade row: As you row the weight up, fight your body’s natural tendency to rotate to one side.
  • Burpee w/ pushup: Complete a full pushup after each burpee—even when you’re feeling exhausted.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qZdUqN

8 Unique Exercises for a Total-Body Workout

Colossal Comic: Kevin Hart's Upper Body Workout

Muscular Kevin Hart holding a kettlebell with red shirt on
Jeff Lipsky/CPI

It's hard to pinpoint the moment Kevin Hart became a star. Suddenly he was just there, with the baptismal comedy special, prowling the stage, a compact, 5'4" ball of hysterically funny energy, spinning his crowd like cotton candy. We blink—if we even did— and now he’s an A-list movie star, the marquee name on the blockbuster Ride Along movies with Ice Cube, Get Hard with Will Ferrell, and Central Intelligence with Dwayne Johnson, all ridiculous plots and side-crampingly hilarious movies. And he has released three movies of his standup shows. And he plays NFL stadiums. Bruce Springsteen plays stadiums. Comedians, until Hart, did not.

Perhaps Hart pushes himself so hard now because he comes from such humble beginnings. He started his comedy career in a shoe store in Philadelphia, where he was the funny guy cracking up his fellow workers— leading, fortuitously, to his getting tired of being the funniest guy in a shoe store. So he decided to try out his comedy onstage in a local club’s amateur night competition, which he came to win every week, eventually discouraging the club owner enough to cancel the competition, pushing Kevin out of the nest, so to speak, and into New York City’s legendary comedy cauldron.

Torn between playing the top-tier clubs that gave the best exposure but didn’t pay, and the less important clubs that did, he played both, commuting nearly four hours each day from Philadelphia so that no one realized he didn’t live in New York. He was that serious, that single-minded, even then.


At 37, Hart is now a fitness fanatic. He’s obsessed with training and working out seven days a week with his full-time trainer, Ron “Boss” Everline, who travels everywhere with the comedian and is basically stitched to him like Peter Pan’s shadow. Mostly they work out in gyms, tailoring their regimen to whatever equipment they find available, but often they’ll work out with bands and otherwise improvise in hotel rooms. They’ll train early if they can, late if they can’t. They’ll run. They even go as far as taking up cabin space to do pushups and situps on a plane, 500 of each. If you’re concerned about whether or not Hart’s a danger in the skies, Everline sheds some light on those in-air workout sessions.

“Kevin’s so small, it’s not like he’s creating any ruckus,” says Everline. “The flight attendants and crew let him get away with shit that most people can’t get away with.”

The fact that Hart is doing 500 pushups at 40,000 feet shows just how committed he is to staying fit, despite his crazy travel and performance schedule. As his trainer, Everline is constantly impressed.

“He’s very driven, very focused,” Everline says, who notes that Hart routinely wakes up at 5 a.m. to begin training. “His main focus is getting better than he was yesterday.” Of course, this isn’t to say that Hart is the perfect pupil. “The difficult part about training Kev is he’s always playing and he never fucking stops joking,” says Everline. “He’s ADD, so if I don’t keep his ass moving, it creates difficulty.”

Through his dedication with Everline, Hart has been creating a well-carved midsection. According to Everline, core work is Hart’s No. 1 priority, leading the comedian to seriously think he has the best abs in the country—“better than anybody,” Hart contends. With just 8% body fat, he’s certainly on the short list.

But with every passion in the gym comes training filled with loathing. “He hates working legs,” says Everline. “He thinks I’m always trying to make his butt big. He says he don’t want a fat ass.”


A couple of years ago, Hart became a health ambassador for Rally Health, a digital wellness and fitness company. But he’s not a scripted mannequin for the organization. He leads their Healthfest events, which are full of exercise and health counseling activities. The events are free to the public and draw thousands. Hart’s main message to them: Health improvement is in your own hands.

“My purpose is to inform,” says Hart about his role with Rally Health. “What I really love, and have adapted to, is this healthy lifestyle. Being a health ambassador for Rally has really opened my eyes to the impact that I have. Giving people the message that it is your job not only to live your life to the fullest but also to increase your lifespan.”

For the past four years, Hart says he’s really stepped up his fitness and nutrition game in an attempt to take better care of himself and live the way he felt he should. This is why he now eats a ton of salads, like Caesar salads with grilled chicken. His breakfast is usually egg whites and grilled chicken. (He loves chicken.) When he eats an unhealthy snack, he chomps Doritos. But judging by how insanely cut he is, that probably happens approximately once every superblood moon.

So, you might be wondering, “Does all this training actually help with the comedy?” To this question, Hart gives an emphatic yes. “Working out is very important to my comedy, simply because I’m very energetic, I’m all over that stage, I’m doing multiple shows a night,” he says. “The last thing I want to do is be tired and give a half-assed show.”

Serious Muscle

It's refreshing to see a simple workout. These days most trainers go the trendy route, with routines that are more “YouTube blooper reel” than “proven muscle builder.” Kevin Hart’s trainer, Ron “Boss” Everline, on the other hand, is defiantly oldschool. His routine has no Bosu ball squats, no Olympic lifts, no fancy machines—it’s nothing dangerous and nothing you can’t do at home. But it’ll build you an incredible upper body, as Hart’s physique proves. And it takes just 30 minutes.

How it Works

Hart’s routine focuses on the most basic upper-body builders known to man: the bench press, pushup, row, curl, and dip. Group them and perform them as circuits, and you’ll work the muscles as well as the heart, promoting both size gains and fat loss in a short workout.


Perform the exercises marked with a letter (“A,” “B,” and “C”) as a circuit. So you’ll do one set of each in sequence before resting as prescribed. Repeat for three circuits each (three sets of each move). Complete all the circuits for the first group of exercises before going on to the next one.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qu0xvo

Thursday, May 25, 2017

New Products from Bodybuilding.com - The Launchpad

Discover the very latest products in the Bodybuilding.com Store!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2r1iZgQ

New Products from Bodybuilding.com - The Launchpad

Discover the very latest products in the Bodybuilding.com Store!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2r1iZgQ

/r/bodybuilding survey on dieting

We talk a lot about training stuff on BB, but we often don't talk about one of the major components which is diet/nutrition. I'd love to say this is for University research or something, but it's just for /r/bodybuilding and my own interest.

It's quick, only 10 questions, and I'll post the results here in a few days. Please let me know if there's any other questions you think I should include. I was trying to make it as straight forward as possible. Hopefully, this will spark some good discussion as well.

Survey here:


submitted by /u/Geriskury
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qkRzRK


Con una participación de más de 50 atletas noveles (principiantes) que fueron jaleados por una audiencia de más de medio millar de personas que abarrotaba el Teatro “Ernesto Ramos Antonini” de Barceloneta; el futuro del Bodybuilding y el Fitness en el archipiélago portorriqueño quedó plenamente garantizado. El pasado 21 de mayo, una nueva generación de

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qSWhsK

Getting started as a teen bodybuilder?

Hi all. I am a 16 year old guy who is interested in getting into bodybuilding as a teen, but not as a profession later in life. I plan to go to a 4 year college after I graduate high school in a little over 2 years. I currently weigh 145 pounds and am 6'3". I am currently focused on gaining weight and building a strength base. I know I have a long way to go to fill out my frame, but I have had the idea of becoming a teen bodybuilder for the past month or two. I was wondering, what's the difference between Classic and other types of competitions (can't think of them right now)? What are some competitions with teen divisions where I live (Wisconsin, USA)? What are some tips for me from those of you who have done this? I appreciate any and all feedback! Thanks!

submitted by /u/bdeets40
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qZsqPK

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Win One of 20 Body Glove Stand Up Paddle Suits

body glove paddle suit

Body Glove's Stand Up Paddle Suit in Borderline features raglan cap sleeves and zipper front detail with bright, retro colors. You can wear this while doing stand up paddleboarding, kayaking, waterskiing, swimming, or while practicing yoga on the beach.

Body Glove is giving away 20 suits to 20 lucky readers! Enter Muscle & Fitness HERS Summer 2017 sweepstakes today.

All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on June 2, 2017.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2rN91jb

Kai Greene Interview: Is Kai Too Big For Bodybuilding? | Iron Cinema

Kai Greene Interview: Is Kai Too Big For Bodybuilding? | Iron Cinema submitted by /u/Lautty
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2rNIT75

Friday, May 19, 2017

Anybody else start bodybuilding from a severely overweight starting point?

Just looking for other people like me. Started at 340-345 lbs on June 29th 2016. First 2 months was just cardio exercise (long walks, power walks) finally got enough courage to join a gym after watching videos on those longs walks of basically how to be a bodybuilder and what do lol. So 8 months in consistent training most of the time 7 days a week. My split is basic. Chest, legs, shoulders and arms, then back. Repeat that and threw in a rest day whenever I needed it. Now I'm 240 and 6 feet tall starting to have loose skin on the chest and stomach but Feeling great and hope to compete some day as that is my goal. and just wondering if any of you are trying to do the same?

submitted by /u/raremike
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2rBvA9z

Sleep Deprivation's effects on body composition, fat loss, and diet adherence

Sleep Deprivation's effects on body composition, fat loss, and diet adherence submitted by /u/elsiealkurabi
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qG7sDD


Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, is hosting this days (May; 18th to 21st.) the 51st. edition of the Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships, with the presence of the Asian National Federations that participate, as well, in the Annual AFBF Congress. This important even has been taken by the Mongolia´s National Federation (MUFBF) -leaded by

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qEu33k


La Asociación de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness del Uruguay (AFFU) celebró, este pasado sábado 13 de mayo, la edición 2017 de su tradicional “Campeonato Apertura”; en las instalaciones del Club Atlético Goes de la ciudad de Montevideo. Más de 50 atletas participaron en este evento en el que se impuso como campeón absoluto de Bodybuilding, Maximiliano

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pSnywE

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Will Female Open Class Bodybuilding Ever Get Notoriety as Much as The Newer Classic Physique?

If size has become more valued than aesthetics then why is it Womens classes are capped off at physique? I love a feminine looking woman on stage as much as anyone else but the desire to see men's body building get back to the golden era of the 70's and 80's became the catalyst for the new Classic Physique category. Say what you will in criticism of it but in the mist of classics inception IFBB did not close the doors to the open bodybuilding class with the mass monsters.

My question to you guys is; will pro-bodybuilding ever see female mass monster competitor on stage again. Someone like a Nataliya Kuznetsova competing on an Olympia stage? Would you or do you think the general public would be open to adding that in the class competition show package?

submitted by /u/Iron_Gang
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qYbHNx

Best Bodybuilders by Muscle Groups?

Hello sikkunts of r/bb!

I'm doing a project for my Anatomy class - creating a children story book - and I chose gym as the theme of my little book. The system that I'm doing is the Muscular System, and I want to focus on specific muscles. Therefore, I need your help with identifying the bodybuilders who have the best respective muscle groups, e.g. Arnold for Pecs, Yates for Lats.

The ones that I need are :

Back/Traps- Dorian Yates

Pecs- Arnold Schwarzenegger







All help is appreciated :)

submitted by /u/masterbaguette
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pPNSax

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sham Singh Shera, winner of the disability class at Bodypower

Sham Singh Shera, winner of the disability class at Bodypower submitted by /u/Magerekwark
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2roezjU

The Full-Body Thruster Workout

Barbell Thruster
Edgar Artiga

The phrase “bang for your buck” is overused in fitness, but it’s justified when talking about thrusters.

This hallmark CrossFit exercise is a combo of a front squat and a push press. Hence, thrusters check off a lot of boxes: lower body, upper-body push, core, and explosiveness. The only thing missing is upper-body pull, which is why the Fran workout pairs thrusters with pullups (21-15-9 reps of each for time).

“While the most famous application of thrusters comes in the form of Fran, the thruster can be performed by anyone looking to build muscle and stay lean,” says Zareh Amirian, CF-L1, former owner of CrossFit 818 in Glendale, CA. “Adding weight, removing the time component, or pausing at the bottom of the front squat are some of the ways thrusters can be tailored to fit into anyone’s workout routine.”

The below hypertrophy-friendly workout, designed by Amirian, is notably different from Fran: Rest periods are included, and rep counts are in the eight to 12 range. Pushups and lunges are added to further promote growth in the chest and legs, respectively.


Perform this WOD as a stand-alone full-body workout when you’re short on time but not ambition.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qODznh

Stipe Miocic Delivers A Body Collapsing Haymaker on Junior Dos Santos at UFC 211

Few things in sports are better than when a heavyweight fight actually lives up to its hype. Stipe Miocic and Junior dos Santos were the two giants who squared off at UFC 211. Miocic tracked down Santos before he ultimately delivered the powerful right hand to send his foe to the floor. 

The victory improved Miocic’s record to 17-2, square atop the UFC food chain. It also marked his second title defense, a feat accomplished only by UFC legends like Randy Couture, Brock Lesnar, and Andrei Arlovski. 

Joanna Jedrzejczyk stole some spotlight from the heavyweight champ when she defended her belt for the fifth time against Jessica Andrade, who was supposedly going to be a tough test for the strawweight champ. The fight went the distance, and Jedrzejczyk flexed her overall skill and growth as a fighter. 

Miocic and Jedrzejczyk may be getting all of the buzz following UFC 211, but there were several other incredibly impressive moments from the spectacle in Dallas. 

First up we had the wily, old vet Frankie Edgar who proved age is just a number yet again against the ascending Yair Rodríguez, and forced the fight to cease due to a doctor’s stoppage. 

Next we had Jason Knight land a sneaky uppercut on Chas Skelly and jump on top to end the fight. This fight may have been part of the preliminary card, but it was still an entreating one. 

We all love those one-hit knockouts, but let's take a moment to appreciate some of the better combos at UFC 211. James Vick defeated Marco Polo Reyes with a quick flurry of punches.

Let's just say Cortney Casey can definitely let her hands go. She threw several flurries at Jessica Aguilar before she earned the victory by split decision.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2ro3q2F

Thursday, May 11, 2017

New Levrone upper body photo

New Levrone upper body photo submitted by /u/Gorkyg
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pEciQn

Female College Athletes Get Honest About Body Image

The 30-Minute Full-Body Workout


Chaired by former athlete Moussa Messaour, the “Federation Algerienne de Bodybuilding, Fitness & Powerlifting” (FABBPL) is reaching a fantastic competitive level and several new national stars shone, at the recent 2017 Mediterranean & African Championships, held in Oran, last 26th to 29th April. One of the most amazing Algerian athletes was the Overall Champion, in Classic

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pChWCl

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

David Hoffmann, German bodybuilder posing last week in Berlin. Classic physique with a sick vacuum.

David Hoffmann, German bodybuilder posing last week in Berlin. Classic physique with a sick vacuum. submitted by /u/PowerliftingMolester
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qQbVpL

Unknown bodybuilder - Midsection of peace.

Unknown bodybuilder - Midsection of peace. submitted by /u/ruthlessscholar
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qOdNPw

How To Train For Your Body Type

Tall Vs. Short
James Michelfelder

You've heard it from your mom your entire life: You’re special. And you are, as far as weight training is concerned, anyway. Every body is different—some respond well to one kind of exercise, while another exercise can be downright dangerous. For the best long-term gains, you need to find which exercises are the most effective and safest for how you’re built. The following two routines will help you on this journey, offering examples of how a taller, long-limbed guy can train for the best results, and how a shorter, stockier man should go about it.

How it works

If you’re 6' or taller, with long arms or legs, you’re going to have trouble with classic barbell exercises like the bench press and back squat. You’re simply not built to perform those lifts efficiently. You’ll likely do better with the dumbbell bench press, which allows your hands to move freely, making for a safer and more comfortable movement pattern for the shoulders and elbows. At the same time, front squatting will be easier on your lower back and will allow you to squat deeper.

Stockier guys, around 5'10" and shorter, who have naturally broader shoulders and shorter limbs, may need to extend their range of motion on certain exercises to activate the most muscle. Bulgarian split squats will stretch out their hips while working more leg muscle. They can also take advantage of abs rollouts. Because short arms don’t have to reach far, rollouts won’t overextend the lower back as they can on a tall guy.


Choose the workout that’s appropriate for your height and limb lengths—for example, if you’re 6’ or more, go with the taller-man workout; if you’re built like a D battery, use the other routine. Exercises marked “A” and “B” are alternated, so you’ll do one set of A, rest as needed, then one set of B, rest, and repeat until all sets for the pair are completed.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pY7yYs

Mother of 3: Journey of my first bodybuilding competition.

Mother of 3: Journey of my first bodybuilding competition. submitted by /u/Hustlersunited
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qNbegJ

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Tom Haviland Attempting to Get to 400lbs BW at 10% or Less Body Fat

Tom Haviland Attempting to Get to 400lbs BW at 10% or Less Body Fat submitted by /u/PBandJacked
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qR29AS

Bodybuilding Shows (As a spectator)

So, I'm going to my first BB show (IFBB NY Pro) since I got interested in the sport, and I really have no concept of what goes on, what the judges look for, what are the "can't miss" parts of the show, etc. So, I'm looking to my fellow redditors to kind of give me a rundown of things, and what I should expect. TIA.

submitted by /u/mdnitedrftr
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qQ8KL4

Australia is launching the first TV fitness/Bodybuilding show and the winner gets $10000 (notable judges in the comments)

Australia is launching the first TV fitness/Bodybuilding show and the winner gets $10000 (notable judges in the comments) submitted by /u/eyetest1
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2p9OlnA

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Bodybuilding.com Podcast

Subscribe to The Bodybuilding.com Podcast for fresh, intriguing viewpoints and advice on trending fitness tips. New fitness and nutrition episodes released every other week. If you're looking for a reputable fitness podcast, more health and fitness tips, or you're just a junkie for motivational and informative podcasts, you've found your home!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2qAVXwB

The Bodybuilding.com Podcast

Subscribe to The Bodybuilding.com Podcast for fresh, intriguing viewpoints and advice on trending fitness tips. New fitness and nutrition episodes released every other week. If you're looking for a reputable fitness podcast, more health and fitness tips, or you're just a junkie for motivational and informative podcasts, you've found your home!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2qAVXwB

Jessica Learned To Love And Embrace Her Strong Body

Even at her strongest, Jessica's body didn't look like that of a fitness model. It took years for her to learn that every body is different, and that hers was worth loving, too.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2pzAw0t

Jessica Learned To Love And Embrace Her Strong Body

Even at her strongest, Jessica's body didn't look like that of a fitness model. It took years for her to learn that every body is different, and that hers was worth loving, too.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2pzAw0t

Team Bodybuilding.Com: The Biggest Beginner Fitness Mistakes I Made

As the saying goes, "Everyone was once a beginner." Use that to your advantage by learning, and avoiding, the newbie training mistakes once made by Team Bodybuilding.com.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2pzIR4l

Team Bodybuilding.Com: The Biggest Beginner Fitness Mistakes I Made

As the saying goes, "Everyone was once a beginner." Use that to your advantage by learning, and avoiding, the newbie training mistakes once made by Team Bodybuilding.com.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bbcom.me/2pzIR4l

Case report and review of 6 bodybuilders tracking bulk to competition. Tracking Nutrition, Pharmacological and Training Strategies

submitted by /u/irishcman
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pZrgEi

Monday, May 1, 2017

I wanna hear peoples thoughts on teenage bodybuilding. I also wanna know if any of you think teenage bodybuilding with steroids is justified? Starting to see a lot more gear use among teenagers

submitted by /u/TheNotoriousSSJ
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qrz52x

World's Oldest Bodybuilders

World's Oldest Bodybuilders submitted by /u/aldisraeli
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2oQTu44

Who is the most underrated bodybuilder ever?

submitted by /u/RoboRedding
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2p2ii4Q


Amer Majid Jafar (UAE) and Mohamed Khaled Embaby (Egypt) became the main stars, at the recent IFBB Diamond Cup Fujairah, celebrated in this Emirate, last 21st. April. Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Saleh Bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, this event offered important money prizes to the best Bodybuilding competitors from Africa, Asia and Middle

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pAwJR9

I'm doing a survey of the bodybuilding community for one of my finals. It takes less than a minute, if you could fill it out that would be great!

I'm doing a survey of the bodybuilding community for one of my finals. It takes less than a minute, if you could fill it out that would be great! submitted by /u/rgb1997
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2oXXf2A

The state of Bodybuilding

Salacious_lion made a post about Arnold bringing bodybuilding back into the media on the fitness reddit. It was removed. The general idea is that Arnie, having made his displeasure with the state of bodybuilding known, should actively attempt to change it.

80s bodybuilding was HUGE by that time’s standards (by all means more people body build nowadays, but not by ratio or by the respect of the admiring crowd) It had built up in the gyms of small towns and beaches across the world since 1890 in the circus, and the truest golden era was from the late 70s to Dorians first Olympia. The bodies of Paris, Benfatto, demey, etc were admired even by the public. Before them there was Reg, reeves, and Counts. These men, when called on stage, were literally introduced with "the next man replicating a Greek statue is". Lee Haney, while impressive and massive and very well proportioned, is in my opinion, the man that actually started the down fall. I know that's controversial. He had an UGLY physique. We should be judging on muscle bellies just a smuch as development. Much respect, but his very impressive body is also ugly and unappealing. he looked better in clothes and my gut wrenches saying that.

Even Arnold and Franco were too big. I don't think people are being fair to Dorian. Arnold and Franco looked unappealing when they weren't posing during season. Franco had a THICK mid-section, his actual measurement of his waist was small, and it was NOTHING compared to the guts of the modern era, but his stomach was over muscled and bloated. They looked terrible. On stage and off season (they got smaller off season) they were amazing. I'm going to get a lot of hate, but it's true. Even Reg fell. I love these guys. But they still didn’t look right. They are in the uncanny valley and people don’t like that. It’s impressive and admirable. But it’s time to understand why the 80s was accepted by the public. I am not hating. But these guys had development that was like a less bloated Cedric, who is by no means aesthetic. Cedric just looks better than ass hats like Greene and Heath.

I love it, but this is not desirable. Bob and Francis are just as admirable and impressive, with a level of art unseen.

I think it needs to be understood that I am not hating on them to hate. I love their physiques in the way I love Ronnie and Jay. They are legends, and I appreciate it all. But their bodies do not reflect well on the sport; at least not their “in shape” figures. I am aiming for the illusion of health and strength and vitality. Not the appeal of mass and mounds. I think it’s time to admit that even some of our favorites id not exactly appear in good light to the world. Bodybuilding is supposed to be art and wonderful, and is at least now taking steps to be aesthetic again. But Competitors should be TRULY in shape all year long. Yeah, they must cut and bulk, but Bob Paris looks wonderful lean bulking. No more Ronnie and Lee Priest shit.

The guys like Benfatto and Paris introduced Serge level conditioning but had big arms and well defined stomachs with proportional legs and backs. They were statues. beautiful and artsy jocks. They had truly small mid sections, not just measured at the bone waists. Some of these guys eventually blue up to keep in level with Dorian and to a point, Lee Haney. Who is a legend, don't get me wrong...but despite his small waist, his actual mid-section was out of place and large, vacuum or not. Paris and Benfatto (Francis later became grotesque as well) are what we should be aiming for. I think a lot of you guys are going to love this! These guys walked around fairly lean and in good shape, are almost all alive today (except the ones that tried to mimic the Shadow) and still contended with the big guys. Watch the vids. They are art and man all in one. Don’t even get me started on how fiiine women were.

Arnold knows it. We know it. These are physiques that can walk around in a suit, yet blow monsters off the stage.

Here's Bob Paris. Incredible man with perfect posing. I feel sorry for the ladies out there, he swings for his own team. Great man. A jock and an artist:

Posing Posing and interview

Francis was Mr. Proportion to Bob's Mr.Perfection. He was a giant killer, and is still in wonderful shape to this day. He did blow up for a little bit, but left that life behind very fast.


Berry Demey was awesome in the middle of his career. Exceptional, and like the first two, fit right into the "criteria" for jusdging.


Bodybuilding must follow in the footsteps of mass with class. the idea of athleticism, aesthetics, and beauty.

I am sorry for any errors.

I see a lot of people saying live comps are boring. I agree. But for me, the older competitions that were more like art shows are very intriguing. There is personality. Modern shows are big dumb asses stamping their feet and yelling. The series would be more like Ultimate fighter, with emphasis on art and the showing. Guys like Benfatto and Paris would speak about the beauty and philosophy of it without sounding like an intellectual retard (Kai Greene) and others would speak of the intensity of training and wanting to be the best.

submitted by /u/SteinKrieger
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2oOWyxp