Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Upgraded 'Dirty Diane' CrossFit WOD for Bodybuilders

Edgar Artiga

CrossFitters have a simple, elegant, and highly taxing WOD in “Diane”: three rounds of 21, 15, and 9 reps of deadlifts (225 pounds) and handstand pushups (HSPUs).

But for the gym guy who wants to gain lean mass, Diane is good, but she lacks some muscle. So we challenged Mike Dewar, C.S.C.S., founder of the Barbell CEO (, to give the WOD a hypertrophy-focused makeover.

His version and the explanations for his changes are below.



“These make the WOD a complete total-body workout with a high emphasis on back and lat strength,” Dewar says. “The deadlifts will pre-exhaust the back, and the wide-grip pullups will build slabs of muscle onto the frame. Most people will need to break up the reps. This turns the workout into a great rest-pause-style session.”


“Using 60% of your max ensures the weight is sufficient to cause a neurological stimulus to increase hormone output. Break up the rounds of 21 and 15 into smaller sets of six to 10 reps.”

The Move: BURPEE

“Take the burpees slow, working methodically,” Dewar says. “They’re there to help you breathe and relax—crazy, right?—rather than speed through and get back to the deadlifts completely annihilated.”

The Move: DB Z PRESS

“The Z press is a great swap to help lifters get a serious shoulder pump while also activating the core and lats.”


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding for 50 year old Moms

This post might be a little out of the ordinary but my mom has gone through a stressful time in her life and put on a little weight and she's struggling to lose it, she was pretty fit, especially in her youth and I think she misses it. I'm pretty into bodybuilding myself but I'm not really sure what routines and stuff I should suggest for her, hopefully something low impact or something idk I'm at a loss.

submitted by /u/Charcole1
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Full-Body Workout to Torch Fat

One-Arm Dumbbell Row
Per Bernal

Lifting weights is not a one-dimensional activity. It shouldn’t be merely two-dimensional, either. When done properly (and assuming your goals aren’t limited to building massive size and strength), a resistance-training session should get you stronger, promote muscle building, improve your cardio, and burn loads of calories. 

If that last one isn’t happening, it’s time to tweak your routine.

The following workout is full-body training. It’s rest-period sparse. It incorporates cardio acceleration as well as heavy sets. It’s a calorie-incinerating, fat-torching machine of a workout.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Larry Wheels getting ready for another bodybuilding show in November

Larry Wheels getting ready for another bodybuilding show in November submitted by /u/joe4942
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, May 26, 2018

How can I [F18]help by younger brother [14] start bodybuilding if he has scoliosis ?

My [F18] brother [going 14] was diagnosed with scoliosis about 4 years ago, but he never complains about it. We will be taking him to see a doctor soon though. I gave him a Shaun T workout (t25) about a year ago and he’s done the full 70 day program multiple times but does take a month off or two at a time. I understand though, since he is young and has trouble getting a private place to do it. Anyways, I gym for 2 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, and lift pretty heavy so I’d like to start bringing him with me to the gym so he can start training. I’ve talked to him and he is excited to join me as well but I don’t know what restrictions With lifting we have with his condition. He is super dedicated to fitness for his age and he is ready to start bodybuilding with me and I am ready to support him as well. I know how it feels to not have someone support you by getting the means start bodybuilding so I’d like to help him get a head start. Long story short, what restrictions do we have with his condition? Should he not bodybuild at all? Or should We just avoid certain movements and if that is the case, which ones ? I’d really appreciate any help anyone with the proper knowledge or experience can give me as I’d like to take him with me asap. He’s currently 13, 5’6 and 135lbs. Edit: I meant MY in the title!

submitted by /u/almondbooty
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, May 25, 2018

The Total-Body Sledgehammer and Tire HIIT Workout

Hammer Time Hiit Workout
Paper Boat Creative / Getty

If your gym offers a tire and sledgehammer, then you probably (read: definitely) want to get to swinging and flipping. That’s because whaling on and flipping a tire recruits all your upper-body and core muscles and builds lower-body power, while also jacking up your heart rate.

The best part: Letting the hammer rip (albeit, safely) is a great way to relieve stress. (It’s a hell of a lot more fun than jogging on a treadmill, too.) Even if you choose to perform just one of the exercises from the following circuit—created by C.J. “Murph” Murphy, owner of Total Performance Sports ( in Malden, MA—you’ll still break a sweat. But give the entire workout a try. We promise it’ll work. We don’t promise, however, that it’ll be easy.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Lower-Body Workout for Maximum Results in Minimum Time

Seated Leg Extensions
milan2099 / Getty

I already like you. You know why? You’re not searching for a chest-only workout or looking for a quick fix to get huge arms or chiseled abs. You want to do what most people aren’t willing to—you want a functional workout to build a powerful lower body.

I’ll warn you: That means a lot of hard work. But if you understand the value of leg workouts, you also probably know the payoff is huge for every aspect of your strength and overall fitness. A strong lower half can help you maintain your motor functions and age better, excel in more sports, and benefit even day-to-day tasks like yardwork, bending over to pick up your child, and getting out of bed in the morning.

Here’s the good news: You don’t need to make the gym your second home and suffer through hours and hours of grueling workouts every week to get the body you really want. You’ll have to work hard, but it doesn’t have to take forever and you can even enjoy the process along the way.

I’m going to show you what it takes to build a lower body you can be proud of. It’s not complicated, but it’s also not as simple as doing more squats or endless sets of leg extensions and curls.  

There’s a reason you can’t spell “legendary” without “leg day.”

The Lower-Body Workout for Maximum Results: Quick Tips

  • This workout is structured to get the muscles properly warmed up and ease you into the heavier working sets. Going blindly into a workout without a proper warmup is asking for injury.
  • There are varying rep ranges so you can properly stimulate the various types of muscle fibers in different ways, shocking them and bringing growth and development.
  • Working sets should be heavy, but not all-out. You should have maybe 1 or 2 reps left in the tank. We want to shock the body, but not to the point that it can’t recover for the next workout.

Exercise-specific Tips:

  • Barbell Back Squat: For maximum stimulation of the quads, keep the torso upright, lower slowly until you’re a little beyond parallel, pause at the bottom for a second, and then explode up in a controlled manner for each rep.
  • Leg Press: Vary the foot placement on the sled to stimulate different areas of the quadriceps.
  • Walking Dumbbell Lunge: Hold dumbbells at your sides, lower your working leg for a count of 2, pause at the bottom for one second, and then come up for one second. Switch legs and repeat.
  • Adduction Machine: Push inward for 1 second, contract for 1 second, then slowly lower for 2 seconds for optimal muscle stimulation.
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlift: Lift the bar as you would with a traditional deadlift, then slowly lower until you’re a bit below the knees and feel a good stretch in your hamstrings. Keep your core tight and your back in proper alignment.
  • Seated Leg Curl: In a controlled manner, explode until at full contraction, pause for a second, then lower for 3-4 seconds.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Opinions on “The body sculpting bible for men” program / book?

submitted by /u/matthew510
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Why were old-school bodybuilders less vascular than the current generation one ?

I was looking at photos of Arnold, Frank Zane etc in their prime. Noticed that they were a lot less vascular, less veins popping out than the current ones. I can see that bodybuilders of the previous era had decent size, compared to mass monsters of today. Had greek god aesthetics but they didn't have the vein popping look to them when compared to current bb'ers like Big Ramy, Kai Greene, Ronnie etc. 1. What was the difference between their "stack" or "gear" ? 2. I presume some drug causes extreme dehydration to give you that look. Which is it ? 3. Any ideas when this trend started ?


submitted by /u/sidchelseafan
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Upper-Body Workout to Get Maximum Results in Minimum Time

Bench Press
Drazen_ / Getty

We might have different fitness goals, but the same theme exists for most of us: progression. Sure, a blessed few can develop chiseled muscles with little to no effort. I’m talking the average Joes—those who are serious about hard work but don’t have the luxury of spending several hours a day in the gym.

Most of us can't afford to build our lives around the gym, but we want a practical way to fit the gym into our lives. Between work, family, friends, and responsibilities, we're lucky to find just two or three days a week to train. Therefore, it's important to achieve maximum efficiency with every moment we spend wrestling with dumbbells, barbells, cables, or machines. That means choosing the right exercises to get the job done and making every move work for you.

This workout is designed to maintain the momentum you’ve worked so hard to attain, stay on target, and give yourself the time (even when you don’t have a lot of time) to get the most out of your upper-body workout.

Whether you’re a beginner or a competition-level athlete, this routine will help you get a high-efficiency workout in minimal time.

The Upper-Body Workout to Get Maximum Results: Quick Tips

  • You'll notice many of the exercise sets are prescribed with varying rep ranges. This is so you can properly stimulate the various types of muscle fibers in different ways, shocking them and bringing growth and development.
  • Choose weights that will enable you to complete each set with 1 or 2 reps left in the tank. (Because some of the sets change reps, you will likely want to change the weights as necessary.) We want to shock the body, but not to the point that it can’t recover for the next workout.
  • Bench Press: For maximum stimulation of the chest, position your torso on the bench with a slight arch in your lower back. Hold your ribcage high and shrug the shoulders down and back.
  • Incline Smith Press: Vary the incline of the bench from workout to workout, or set to set, from 30 degrees to 45 degrees to 60 degrees. This will help you target different motor units. For this variation, set the bench so the bar comes down to your clavicle under your neck.
  • Wide-grip Pullup: Vary grip widths and the angle of your torso when pulling to fully activate all muscle fibers of the back.
  • Underhand-grip Smith Machine Bentover Row: Put a step under the bar so you can fully stretch at the bottom and adjust foot position accordingly. Keep your torso bent at an angle of about 75 degrees and pull the bar into the lower abdomen to best stimulate the belly of the lats. Pause at the top of the contraction and at the bottom of the movement to take out momentum and keep the strain on your musculature.
  • Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press: Use a bench with back support and keep your torso upright throughout the set. Don’t arch your back too much as it will put too much strain on your lower back and put too much focus on your chest. Bring the dumbbells just below your chin before driving them back to the top.
  • Seated Lateral Raise: Raise the dumbbells to a level where your upper arms are a little above parallel to the floor. At the top pause for a second for peak contraction and to fully activate the shoulders.
  • Close-grip Pushup: To keep chest activation to a minimum and target your triceps, make sure your hands are a little closer than shoulder-width. Keep feet firmly planted and your chest down until it touches the floor; then, pause and explode back up in a controlled manor.
  • Deadlift: For complete back development, vary the range of motion from just above knee height to as low as your mid-shin. It’s best to stick with one range of motion per workout.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, May 20, 2018


The Arnold Classic South Africa 2018 finished this last session, in Johannesburg, with a fantastic Bodybuilding category in which African athletes became in the main stars, led by the fantastic Cyrille Kofi Adja, from Ghana, who won the Super Final.

The former Mr. Ghana 2015 & 2016 was a medalist at the last two ACA editions (Silver in 2016 and Bronze in 2017) and this year offered his best shape ever, having the Gold Medal in Bodybuilding -90 kg and the overall title.

Picture: Cyrille Kofi Adja (Ghana), overall winner at the Arnold Classic Africa.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, May 18, 2018


Johannesburg, the capital city of South Africa host, from 18th to 21st May, a new edition of the Arnold Classic Africa (ACA), at the Sandton Convention Center. The event, included in the World Ranking and Elite Pro Qualifier event, is a meeting point for Bodybuilding and Fitness athletes worldwide but, especially, from the African National Federations.

President Santonja flu from IFBB Headquarters to attend the event, where will take the opportunity to meet with African executives, as the organizer, Mr. Wayne Price; amongst other presidents of the national federations participating.


Picture: President Santonja, in Johannesburg,  with Abdul Hayye Hayye -president of Ghana´s National Federation- and other officials during the ACA registration session.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, May 14, 2018

The police in Norway tested 20 bodybuilders at a local show. 12/20 tested positive, the public is shocked...?

The police in Norway tested 20 bodybuilders at a local show. 12/20 tested positive, the public is shocked...? submitted by /u/psychosets
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Academic Research - Body Image

Hi everyone,

I'm a PhD student in the Department of Psychology at the University of York, UK. My research focuses on how people perceive their bodies and how this relates to body image. A current project I'm working on is focusing on body image in men, and I have a 15 minute (ethically approved) questionnaire online at the moment. I'm currently looking for participants for this. If you'd be interested in taking part, this is the link -

Just a head's up, the questionnaire does ask how you feel about your body and how this impacts you, so if these kind of questions would be upsetting please don't take part.

If you have any questions you can also email me at



submitted by /u/RuthElizabeth_8
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, May 13, 2018


In another hectic weekend with several IFBB international events, around the world; President Santonja flu to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) to attend the Pro Elite Qualifier event and Fitness Expo organized, at the best level of efficiency and success by Mr. Bassem El Jawhari and his company (Abu Dhabi Muscle & Fitness Expo).

With up to 12 Elite Pro Cards offered to the main winners, the event was another great success in the promotion of our sports, at the Gulf area and in the Emirates where National Federation chaired by His Royal Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad bin Saif Al Sharqui is becoming more active and strong, in every season.

Picture: HRH Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad bin Saif Al Sharqui, president of the UAE National Bodybuilding Federation & IFBB Vice-president; awarded by President Santonja in presence of Dr. Adel Fahim El Sayed -president of the Arab Bodybuilding Federation- and international Fitness celebrity, Mike O´Hearn (left).

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Are body builders just sore all the time?

Is it just a life of soreness for them?

submitted by /u/firefly6345
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Which Deadlift is Right for Your Body Type?

Not all deadlifts are right for every body. Allow your anatomy to dictate which style of deadlift suits you best.


No exercise is quite as feared, or revered, as the barbell deadlift. It is probably the oldest barbell exercise in existence. The day the barbell was invented, you can bet someone tried to pick it up off the floor. It is the obvious thing to do with a barbell, isn’t it?


read more

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, May 6, 2018

BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up

Finally found the time to create my writeup for my first contest prep, I learned so much along the way about dieting, training while dieting, and the mental difficulties of contest prep.

My prep was a total of 25 weeks long and I competed in the NPC Big Sky Championships in Missoula, MT.

Stage Photos Grey Shorts

Full Prep Progress Photos

My starting weight was around 228 lbs and my goal weight was around 195 lbs, with 25 weeks that puts me losing around 1.3 lbs/week.

24-18 weeks out: 2700 Calories - (200c/100f/240p) Roughly No Cardio

18-14 weeks out: 2600 Calories - (200c/80f/240p) Roughly 15 Min Cardio 3x week

14-10 weeks out: 2500 Calories - (200c/70f/240p) Roughly 20 Min Cardio 4x week

10-8 weeks out: 2450 Calories- (200c/65f/240p) Roughly 30 Min Cardio 4x week

8-5 Weeks out: 2400 Calories 40 Min Cardio 4x Week

5-1 Week out: 2350 Calories 40 Min Cardio 6x Week

Typical Day of eating On higher calorie days there was just more of these foods, mostly more fats. I did not track vegetables.

Cardio: 12% incline 3.1 MPH OR Hiking with my dog in the mountains. (Usually 1 short hike and 1 long hike atleast once a weekend, sometimes 2)

Exercise Split (PPLx2) I trained by feel most of the time, I always made sure to incorporate lower rep - heavier days at least once every 2 weeks.



Fish oil

Joint Supplement



Psyillium Husk Fiber

Peak Week

In preparation for peak week I started keeping water (2 gallons) and sodium (6000mg) constant, and carried that all the way through the show.

Saturday - Monday: Normal low carb day

Tuesday - 450g Carb

Wednesday - 350g Carb

Thursday - 300g Carb

Friday - 400g Carb

Saturday Morning 200g Carb

I nailed my morning carb up but did not eat enough in between shows and looked very very flat in the finals.

Long Term Goals:

Get my pro card in the WNBF in bodybuilding by the end of 2020. I plan on taking the next year and a half to grow my weakpoints and enjoy my training.

One unique aspect of my prep

I suffer from a thyroid disease called graves disease and no longer have a functioning thyroid, therefore I rely on synthetic thyroid hormone to control my metabolism, but I do not abuse my medication, I take the same amount every single day.

If you guys have any questions please feel free to ask.

submitted by /u/BodybyYake
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Happy Birthday to our favourite modern classic bodybuilder

Happy Birthday to our favourite modern classic bodybuilder submitted by /u/AlexBC13
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Eugen Sandow, the Father of Modern Bodybuilding, posing as Farnese Hercules - 1893

Eugen Sandow, the Father of Modern Bodybuilding, posing as Farnese Hercules - 1893 submitted by /u/rorocwalker
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Undefeated in 2018 and after overall victories in Nafplio (Greece) and Malmö (Sweden); the new European star in Bodybuilding is the Spaniard Martí Pozzi, who won the Super Heavyweight category and the Overall title, at the 2018 European EBFF Championships, enforcing his aesthetic and proportioned physique with 104 Kg. of solid muscles.

Cheering by the audience, near his home place; Martí Pozzi led the competition since the beginning and reached one of his goals for this season. After the overall victories in Greece and Sweden, he delayed the decision to get into the Elite Pro Division, focusing on the Gold Medal at the European Championships. Now, he could do the step or, after the points earned for the World Ranking where he is one of the leaders, to remain as an amateur athlete, with the World Championships and World Ranking as nearest goals.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

goal: body like capt america / thor

current equipment:

  1. home gym - marcy mwm 990
  2. jump rope
  3. 1x dumbbell

any diet tips & workout routine?

currently im working on an office between 8:30 - 5:30 pm. im only present at home from 6:30 - 8am. MTWThF

thanks for any suggestions

submitted by /u/nedkv
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, May 4, 2018

Battle Rope Leg Waves: The Ultimate In Lower-Body Power And Pump

You may think you know the ropes, but not like this! Strap in, kick off, and be prepared for one of the most challenging lower-body movements of your life.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Battle Rope Leg Waves: The Ultimate In Lower-Body Power And Pump

You may think you know the ropes, but not like this! Strap in, kick off, and be prepared for one of the most challenging lower-body movements of your life.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, May 3, 2018

BodySpace Member of the Month: Lifting Machine

Jamal "The Machine" Bramble zeroes in on his physique goals with dialed-in nutrition and the feedback and support he gets from friends and fellow trainers.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

BodySpace Member of the Month: Lifting Machine

Jamal "The Machine" Bramble zeroes in on his physique goals with dialed-in nutrition and the feedback and support he gets from friends and fellow trainers.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Full body shot of Antoine 4.5 weeks out

Full body shot of Antoine 4.5 weeks out submitted by /u/Zero-Power
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding