Thursday, January 10, 2019

Powerlifting to Bodybuilding due to injury

I'm looking to switch to bodybuilding from powerlifting due to back injury (bulging disk) that's preventing me from squatting and deadlifting. I can maybe squat a plate, a plate and half at max. Deadlift is out of the question. Looking for some help/suggestions on programs.

Here are some relevant things > i consider myself a novice lifter, been in the gym about a year, a year and half. I have suffered from fuckarounditis in the past but I have been on nSun program for last 4 month or so (SBD - 280/185/300). I can afford to be in the gym 7 days a week, many hours if needed. I eat healthy, with 50% of my diet being protein. I sleep okay, averages about 6~7. I definitely have been pushing myself too hard which lead to my injury. My gyms pretty shit and doesn't have a lot of machines. I have access to squat racks, cable machines, pullup/dips machine. dumbells. Bodybuilding machines are scarce.

The body parts I'm really looking to grow but find challenging are;

  1. Triceps

- On my bench days, i bench (powerlifting style, working upto topset and back down), tri cable extensions, and skullcrushers but dont feel much on the triceps the next day. For the tri-extension and skullcrusher I aim for 12~15 rep range, 5~ 7 sets. still dont feel much. What am i doing wrong here.

  1. Abs

- i never liked them to begin with, but due to the injury now i can't do anything that flexes my spine. Any suggestions on this?

  1. Quads

- my quad size has gone down good half an inch since i stopped squatting a month ago. My gym does not have leg extension machine either so that doesnt help. currently doing some super light squats and dumbell bulgarian split squats but doenst feel like enough.

  1. Glutes/hammys

- Same problem. Due to not deadlifting my glutes and hammys have gotten smaller visibly. We have a leg curl machine but the damn thing is broken.

Thank you for reading my post. All and any insight from you guys are much appreciated.

Edit: Spelling

submitted by /u/redaloevera
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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