Wednesday, August 30, 2017

SUPPLEMENT INDUSTRY MARKETING..."Somebody's got to tell the truth!!!" - Rich Piana

SUPPLEMENT INDUSTRY MARKETING..."Somebody's got to tell the truth!!!" - Rich Piana submitted by /u/EnergyFax
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

What is the dumbest opinion you've seen on r/bodybuilding?

submitted by /u/Mirinfromupclose
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

A Reality Check for Impatient Natural Bodybuilders

It's easy to forget that so many of the bodies we idolize in the magazines got there by less-than-honest means.

read more

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Why does bodybuilding have a negative influence on younger guys?

whilw it's inspirational to achieve a pen icredible physique it is not realistic without the help of a very strict workout schedule, a strict diet, and mutiple pills and steroids. Body builders create this unattainable image for most younger guys. And the kids who look up to these guys try to emulate them. What's sad is some of them die from taking supplements and steroids. What do you guys think about the influence bodybuilding has on kids?

submitted by /u/Nykid99
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How do people get started in pro bodybuilding. How do you find legitimate local contests?

Obviously you have to get shredded first but then what?

submitted by /u/crazyguy28
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Team Athlete Profile: Jason Wittrock

Victory belongs to those who persevere, and perseverance allowed Jason Wittrock to rise from the ashes of personal tragedy and become an elite athlete and inspirational force in the lives of many.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Team Athlete Profile: Jason Wittrock

Victory belongs to those who persevere, and perseverance allowed Jason Wittrock to rise from the ashes of personal tragedy and become an elite athlete and inspirational force in the lives of many.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Convertion from Powerlifting to Bodybuilding/Aesthetics?

Hey guys, i've been lifting for about 2-3 years now, im 18, 1,92M&99Kg (6ft3 &220lb). My workouts were always great, but I've never eaten the right amount of calories so I didnt gain that much of muscle. About 1 year ago I started eating properly and switched to a new powerlifting styl push, pull, legs split. I reached my goals of deadlifting 405, squatting 315 & benching, even though it isnt great , 190lb. I recently got the idea to switch it up a bit. Even though I love powerlifting i feel like im not enjoying everything by having to eat all day etc. Kinda want to switch to getting Aesthetic, building an X-Frame and cut down bodyfat (it's about 15-18% now). I really like the push pull leg split, so can anyone recommend me any tips on switching to bodybuilding and building a more aesthetic body? I'd love to keep the compound movements, especially deadlifts and squat. And i definitly need to get a bigger chest because it's almost non existent. Also, is Wendler's 5/3/1 still good or is there anything better out there? Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/vizion_r3hab
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

6 Steps for Developing Lagging Body Parts

J.T. WOD: The Ultimate Upper-body Workout

Ring Dip
Morsa Images / Getty

This CrossFit Hero WOD is named for Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan. Perform as a giant set for time.

And if you're questioning the use of handstand pushups and gymnastics rings here, remember: Old-school bodybuilders of Muscle Beach incorporated gymnastic moves into their hypertrophy training. You can, too.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Olympia 2017 Bodybuilding Competitor List

The Olympia 2017 Bodybuilding Competitor List submitted by /u/eyetest1
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, August 28, 2017

Lessons learned from Rich Piana about bodybuilding, living life, and other stuff.

Source: 30 year old guy. Wife competes and I just do it as a hobby since I don't feel the need to put on a speedo and prance around on stage so people can tell me how good I look. No good adult male influence in my life growing up. Grew up poor, worked hard, and now I'm doing pretty well for myself. Found about Rich 3-4 years ago and honestly he's had a pretty significant impact on my daily life. I've been mulling this over for the past couple days and wanted to write it all out for myself just to kind of make my feelings tangible. Kind of therapeutic you know? Came out pretty good even if I wrote it in a few chunks so I figured I'd toss it up here if anyone wants to reflect, chat, or add anything they may have learned from Rich. I know it doesn't fit the specifics of the posting rules so if mods or the community want it taken down - not going to hurt my feelings. tl;dr - I learned a lot about how to be a good bodybuilder, be a good person, and be successful from Rich.

On life:

Rich showed us through his own experiences that it is important to pursue goals that are important to you. "Do whatever it takes" and "One day you may" have become meme status but if you honestly think about it they're pretty solid messages. Be patient but keep working toward your goal. The same method could be said as a parallel to bodybuilding. We all know of Rich's past bodybuilding days where he did whatever it took and that culminated in his winning the Mr California - not the Olympia but still better than anyone here will achieve. But we're more familiar with the Rich Piana of the past few years. An older and arguably wiser Rich. He did whatever it took and accomplished his goals back then and speaks back on them not with regret but with a critical eye in that maybe they weren't that important. Did he need to take it as far as he did...did his goals need to be what they were...should he have put more thought into what was actually important? We see this in a lot of old folks too. Thinking back about how they spent their youth grinding and wasted a bunch of time that they should have spent just enjoying life. Some of this does come as kind of a masked hindsight though. When you're young and grinding it is because you have to or at least perceive that you have to. When you're old and you've got savings and your house paid for or whatever else it is easy to look back and say that you should have enjoyed your time more. We saw Rich having his midnight food run (right babe?) and Ben and Jerrys because that's what he enjoyed. The hard work Rich put in during his younger years enabled him to relax a bit and enjoy life. Seeing someone living a life not too different than my own coming to this conclusion - I think I could learn from that. I came from nothing and am looking at an early retirement if everything goes as planned. I'm not arrogant enough that I'd say I'm a 100% self-made man but it hasn't been without a lot of hard work and I do frequently have family and friends question if maybe I should slow down a little bit. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though and like Rich I want to get to the point that I can just enjoy my days. But I should probably honestly make sure I figure out how to do that today as well. Death comes for us all and often unexpectedly. I should put in the work but I shouldn't neglect the fun and enjoyment. We only get one life and we should make the most of it by doing whatever it takes and to enjoy the things we can today with the idea of 'one day we may' realize the ultimate fruits of our labor.

On Bodybuilding:

Tough sport and requires huge sacrifice. Let's face it - the vast majority of us are doing it just for the beach body. A smaller number of us are doing it to get huge and freaky. An even smaller number of us are doing it to compete. Rich jumped right in at #3 - growing up in a bodybuilding family it was what he wanted to do from a young age. This is tough because of similarities with other sports. If you want to be good at football you need to be killing it in high school. PEDs may play a part in that even at that age. But we don't normally consider the long term effects or criticize those that choose to use. Back to bodybuilding we have a solid split between natural and enhanced bodybuilders with the latter being the ones more typically referenced with the sport. I'm going to exclude natural bodybuilders in this case because at the top level - let's be real - all are using. If you want to be competitive you can't start late and you can't avoid what the competition is doing. This is the recipe for young guys getting into PEDs. It is a damn tough topic and I would really like to have heard Rich's thoughts about Dallas. On one hand I've followed Dallas for a few years as many of us have and knew full well that he was using PEDs in his football days and stepped it up right when he got out of school and started bodybuilding. That puts him in his late teens...doing big boy drugs to get huge. And damn he did it right - he really was the future and maybe the next Yates. But look what happened...controversy aside - if it really was an insulin faint + it is clear as day how kids can be taken advantage of by the media, coaches, and by themselves. This opens a whole can of worms...what is the 'right' way to do the drugs it takes to get huge? Is there a 'right' way? I've gotten away from Rich to establish some context to his common advice. If you want to be a competitive bodybuilder you're going to have to do the drugs. If you are not going to be a competitive bodybuilder it just doesn't make sense to do the drugs. This was somewhat hypocritical as he continued his use and no plans to compete...and as such highlights the grey area. The middle group I mentioned before that wants to get huge but no competition. I like Rich's advice here though that it really doesn't make sense for the vast majority of us that want the beach body. The blanket advice should be to not do the drugs. Then if someone gets into that grey area of wanting to get big...hopefully they know enough about stuff at that point drugs will make sense but not pro level huge cycles/doses. There is no reason to get into that risky territory unless you're making a career out of it.

On dicks hanging below the balls:

Seriously though. Look through the comments and you'll see so many that reference how small of dicks bodybuilders have and the implications of our 'manhood.' Man I still really don't know what to think about this other than it isn't how big my body is, how big my dick is, how small my balls are...none of that that makes me who I am. Who cares how small the balls are? And to that effect why does the size of anything of my body matter to anybody that knows me or doesn't know me? Rich was a living cartoon character and whether he was full of synthol, PMMA, or all natural...those of us that followed him looked beyond his physique because we were drawn to him as a person. He had similar interests as us and could talk about his experiences and thoughts. That's what we liked about him. As goofy as his body was - he was relatable and a decent role model. The size of his balls had no significance. It was what was on the inside that counts. Not saying we should be friends with the hambeast that sits in the cube next to ours but we shouldn't be so high and mighty that we're a better person than them just because of their body. And the other way around too of course but we can only control ourselves.

On nutrition:

Real FOOD goddammit!!! This was pretty huge for me. Not that I was eating a bunch of garbage and getting my nutrition from sugar and food substitutes but it did encourage me to go check out what other successful folks are eating. Turns out tons of pros post their diet all over youtube, instagram, and other places and go figure - it is mostly real food. Not Piana's supplement but meat, veg, carb sources from potato or pasta or rice. I've never been an IIFYM kind of guy but this really nailed down for me that I should focus on getting my nutrition from sources of actual food. I won't get into the discussion of clean vs non-clean or paleo vs non-paleo other than these are just schemes for people who don't know anything about food to help them make good decisions. But when it is bulk time I need to be simply adding more rice to my chicken and rice meal - not slamming a pack of poptarts pre-workout. But what about the daily Ben and Jerry's? Doesn't even count, right babe? Real talk - Rich had weight to lose and when he was trying to drop it he cut the B&Js if I remember right. As a guy in his 40's he was less focused on dialing in the details of his physique and more focused on enjoying what he enjoyed. That meant a pint (or more lol) of B&Js and we saw consistency in his physique. He would have no doubt had a better physique if he dropped the ice cream, pizza, burgers, etc but this loops back to the section about living life and finding balance. This was why it "didn't even count" - because it was outside of his mealplan but a consistency. For those of us that are aspiring competitors I'm convinced that a diet of all real food is the way to go. For those of us living life and doing this as a hobby we'll be best served by having a tight diet but we've got some lifestyle wiggle room.

On fashion:

Ok so I didn't learn too much here ;)


Something that sticks with me is that video where prophetmuscle approaches Rich and tries to get him to fight. We know Rich is somewhat a fan of combat sports but the way he dealt with the whole situation was so great. With honesty and real-talk. He explained that he's just a gym rat and doesn't want to go getting in fights with guys. Many of us would look at that as a chance to teach this guy a damn lesson. But Rich just smiled, chatted with him, ended up giving him a friendly handshake too but maybe I'm remembering that part wrong. On the subject of throwing hands - the Genova incident. The video was clear they were just playing and Rich knocked him pretty good but if you've ever...idk 'played around' isn't the right way to say it but if you've ever play fought even in a friendly way sometimes it can get a little rough. Like the classic example of a bigger guy grabbing a smaller guy and rubbing his head really roughly. It isn't meant to be mean. IDK - I don't know the psychology behind it but I've been in that situation and it tends to foster closeness. Besides - once Rich was made aware that it offended Genova I thought he did the graceful thing by apologizing and flying him out to workout and make a couple videos together.

The racist rant incident. I'll be honest I just kind of glazed over the whole thing but it was something we all can learn from. Sometimes it is damn hard to keep a cool head but you never know when something is going to come back and bite you in the ass.

The subject of this was tough. I don't really know the lesson learned here other than to keep your wits about you even in the case of blind love. I remember when he announced they were getting married at the Olympia and thinking it sounded like the wrong move even back then. We all saw it from the start and you know he got advice from close friends about it.

Business and making money - going into business for yourself vs working for the man. This is so outside of bodybuilding that it is really an interesting thing that he got into in his vlogs sometimes. It is a huge part of our lives too though and encouraged me to look more into making my money work for me. Starting clothing lines isn't for all of us but figuring out ways to achieve passive revenue can pretty easily make a huge difference. I'd never considered trying to make significant income outside of my normal paycheck but some of the things Rich talked about got me thinking more about it. I've got some irons in the fire that will make or break the opportunity for me to start up some revenue streams but it is something that is on the table that may not have been a consideration before.

Legacy. Shit dude this gets my heart up into my throat. Rich touched so many people's lives including my own even though most of us never met him. He left a huge impact and really seemed like one of a kind. Everything of his on the internet will be there forever. He went out on top of his world - he really was the king. IDK man I don't really have any more words. I feel like my life has been made better thanks to 'knowing' Rich Piana. I'm always going to call these single arm tricep press downs "Piana P-Downs" in my workout notebook. Every time I make a shake I'll yell SHAKETIME GODDAMMIT. But even more than that I'm going to take the stuff Rich taught and keep living it every day. I'm going to work hard. I'm going to be that positive person. I'm going to set goals and meet them. I've followed Rich for years and never thought I'd honestly be cheesy enough to say it...but I'm going to be a 5%'er.

submitted by /u/spyyked
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Cody Drobot is leaving the Classic physique division back into Open Bodybuilding

Cody Drobot is leaving the Classic physique division back into Open Bodybuilding submitted by /u/DeltVeins
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Soccer Star Sebastian Lletget’s Total-Body Workout

Sebastian Lletget
Shaun Clark / Getty

Professional soccer player Sebastian Lletget’s career with the Los Angeles Galaxy started off on the, ahem, right foot. In 2015, his first season with the Galaxy, Lletget scored five goals in his first seven Major League Soccer starts.

This high-level of performance is clearly not an accident, and requires a pretty hefty amount of upkeep. Obviously, soccer players need an outstanding amount of cardio training to combat requirements of the game, but strength also has to be built to hold your own on the field. Here is Lletget's workout that keeps him dominant on the pitch. 

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Finnish bodybuilder Artturi Kallio

Finnish bodybuilder Artturi Kallio submitted by /u/bobtheblack
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Structured under the Cook Islands Bodybuilding Federation (CIBBF) -supported by Cook Islands Sports & National Olympic Committee- and with the remarkable job of dedicated officials as Joe Daniel, the sport is growing in the country and will be represented in the next 2017 World Bodybuilding Championships and IFBB Annual Congress. Joe Daniel is a dedicated

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What Every Bodybuilder Needs To Know About Running

Kris Gethin has fundamentally changed his approach to cardio in recent months, but if you think he's lost his gains as well, you're sorely mistaken. Here's what he says every lifter should learn!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

What Every Bodybuilder Needs To Know About Running

Kris Gethin has fundamentally changed his approach to cardio in recent months, but if you think he's lost his gains as well, you're sorely mistaken. Here's what he says every lifter should learn!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Pro Bodybuilder Frank McGrath | Mark Bell's PowerCast #216

Pro Bodybuilder Frank McGrath | Mark Bell's PowerCast #216 submitted by /u/Condishun
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Okay, he is 71 years old - Robby Robinson. The black prince of bodybuilding

Okay, he is 71 years old - Robby Robinson. The black prince of bodybuilding submitted by /u/Diskaura
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Good news for our sport in Africa: the new “Associaçao Angolana de Bodybuilding and Fitness (AABBF)” will be another step forward in the development of Bodybuilding, in the region. Leaded by Angolan officials Braulio Martins and Ariana Martins, and with the technical support, in the beginning, of the Portuguese Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (PFBB)

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, August 21, 2017

Podcast Episode 25: Jim Stoppani on Daily Full-Body Training, Fasting, And More

Dr. Jim Stoppani brings plenty of energy—and plenty of gummy bears—to the recording studio. He's been espousing the virtues of full-body, near-daily workouts in recent months, and says it could just be the best training technique out there—if you do it right. He also goes deep into the science and practice of intermittent fasting, which allows him to stay lean and energetic well into his fifties!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Podcast Episode 25: Jim Stoppani on Daily Full-Body Training, Fasting, And More

Dr. Jim Stoppani brings plenty of energy—and plenty of gummy bears—to the recording studio. He's been espousing the virtues of full-body, near-daily workouts in recent months, and says it could just be the best training technique out there—if you do it right. He also goes deep into the science and practice of intermittent fasting, which allows him to stay lean and energetic well into his fifties!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, August 18, 2017

This Polish Bodybuilder Wants To Look Twice His Age!

Pawel Ladziak, a 35-year-old Polish fitness pro and personal trainer, is causing a sensation on Instagram by intentionally aging himself. His goal: to look as muscular and as old as he possibly can.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

This Polish Bodybuilder Wants To Look Twice His Age!

Pawel Ladziak, a 35-year-old Polish fitness pro and personal trainer, is causing a sensation on Instagram by intentionally aging himself. His goal: to look as muscular and as old as he possibly can.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Super aesthetic Japanese bodybuilder

Super aesthetic Japanese bodybuilder submitted by /u/thewayofdarragh
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Body-positive model Iskra Lawrence Flaunts Her Curves at Santa Monica Pier

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Assemble the ultimate bodybuilder

If you could assemble a bodybuilder with body parts from other guys who would you pick for each body part. Assume that it would look symmetrical and normal for discussions sake.

For example:

Arnold's Chest

Dorian's Back


submitted by /u/Tortankum
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Post your bodybuilding wallpapers

For mobile or desktop devices, post all the wallpapers that keep you motivated to go for more when looking at your device!

submitted by /u/ConfidentialUsername
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Julius Randle got shredded with a 3-week body transformation. Here’s how you can, too.

Didn't really understand what "flow" meant when talking about bodybuilding, until I saw Brandon Curry's shoulder striations.

Didn't really understand what "flow" meant when talking about bodybuilding, until I saw Brandon Curry's shoulder striations. submitted by /u/theconstipator
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

An underrated favourite from Classic Bodybuilding. Matt Mendenhall

An underrated favourite from Classic Bodybuilding. Matt Mendenhall submitted by /u/El_Alacran_del_Rio
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Photos: Singer Craig David's shredded body transformation in 11 Instagram posts

Body, Bar, Bell: 3 Badass Hybrid Workouts You Need To Try

Don't limit yourself to one style of training. Blend barbells, calisthenics, and kettlebells in the same workout to maximize the best qualities of each. Here's how!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Body, Bar, Bell: 3 Badass Hybrid Workouts You Need To Try

Don't limit yourself to one style of training. Blend barbells, calisthenics, and kettlebells in the same workout to maximize the best qualities of each. Here's how!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Mom of Two Reportedly Dies of Protein Overdose

Bodybuilding Mom of Two Reportedly Dies of Protein Overdose submitted by /u/summerofsmoke
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Female body builder dies from genetic disorder that meant she couldn't break down protein.

Female body builder dies from genetic disorder that meant she couldn't break down protein. submitted by /u/full-of-grace
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, August 11, 2017

YouTube has killed discussion of Bodybuilding

Demonetization of videos won't, hopefully, stop these great channels. First Dom Mazzetti's channel, and now Luimarco? The only thing that drives YouTube is money apparently. It's so unfortunate that fake people who are leading the potentially talented and awesome lifters and athletes down a misleading path get away.

submitted by /u/therightchoice123
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilder dies after botched backflip attempt

Bodybuilder dies after botched backflip attempt submitted by /u/ekilic911
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Bodybuilder Rich Piana Placed In Medically Induced Coma After Emergency

Bodybuilder Rich Piana Placed In Medically Induced Coma After Emergency submitted by /u/rel4th
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Legendary Bodybuilders Who Never Won Mr. Olympia

Legendary Bodybuilders Who Never Won Mr. Olympia submitted by /u/Diskaura
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

A moment of silence and some RIP in peace's please for this legendary bodybuilder

A moment of silence and some RIP in peace's please for this legendary bodybuilder submitted by /u/WhatIsMyGirth
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Are bodybuilding diets just a Calorie/Protein/Fat/Carb game?


So when it comes to building your own diet, are the things stated in the title really the only things you need to worry about (According to a friend they are)? What about vitamins and fiber etc? I know that it would be preferable to have a healthy balance of vegetables etc, but if you were looking at the most budget meal plan possible, what kind of issues could you see arising by noot taking other nutritional values into account? Below is a sample diet I have put together but it is really just 4 foods and milk. Some input on my sample diet as well as some insight on what issues a diet like this could cause is greatly appreciated.



  • 1 cup oats - 342/8/3.9/82.5

  • 1 tblsp PB - 90/4/8/4

  • 2 cups whole milk - 156/8.2/8.5/11.8


  • 250 grams chicken - 412/77/9/0

  • 2 Baked potato - 322/8/0/74

Snack/Second breakfast

  • 1 cup oats - 342/8/3.9/82.5

  • 1 tblsp PB - 90/4/8/4

  • 2 cups whole milk - 156/8.2/8.5/11.8


  • Powder - 138/26.2/2.3/2.6

  • Milk 2 cup - 156/8.2/8.5/11.8


  • 250 grams chicken - 412/77/9/0

  • 2 Baked potato - 322/8/0/74

Total 2938/244.8/69.6/359

submitted by /u/Taco_the_Quesadilla
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Eric Bana’s 7 most badass movie roles and body transformations

Actor Eric Bana

Eric Bana is one of the most versatile badasses in Hollywood.

While known for his action roles, the veteran Australian actor has appeared in nearly every type of film under the sun during his career, including military dramas, comedies, big-budget superhero movies, sci-fi epics, action thrillers, romantic dramas, and horror movies.


Whether he’s playing an angry, green giant in Hulk, fighting for the Trojans in Troy, battling insurgents in Lone Survivor, or chasing down Chris Pine and the U.S.S. Enterprise as the villain in Star Trek, you can count on Bana to get things done.

“Training for me is 30% exercise and 70% diet,” Bana told the Daily Mail in a 2009 interview. “My chosen exercise is cycling. I just love it. I occasionally go to the gym, and I lift free weights. I used to lift very heavy weights in my mid-20s. I used to bench press over 300lbs. The most I ever lifted was 330lbs.”


Plus, even though Bana is pushing 50, he has some of the best hair in Hollywood—like these nine stylish Hollywood stars—and he isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

Here’s a look at Bana’s seven most badass roles.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding


The 2017 IFBB Elite Ranking became in the real challenge for athletes worldwide, this season. To qualify into the ranking guarantee the athletes to have their personal Elite Cards, as a signal of its elite level, and most of them have been already delivered by their respective National Federations. As a good example, the always

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Body Sculpt Series: Fat-Frying, Time-Saver Workout

This 20-minute, full-body routine will help you obliterate fat and tone up.

If you're looking to tighten and tone your total body—eliminate stubborn fat to reveal your lower abs, whittle your inner thighs, and build a bikini butt—then you'll love our Body Sculpt Series.

These body-part workouts are tailor-made to transform your physique. You'll hone greater muscle definition, gain strength, and torch calories with a range of simple, effective moves.

Here, Muscle & Fitness editor Brittany Smith demonstrates a 20-minute HIIT circuit that'll incinerate fat and save time.

Shot on location at Life Time Garden City

JW Player ID: 

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Hilary Duff Slams Body Shamers, Has Powerful Body-Positive Message for Women Everywhere

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Joe Weider's bust used in most of the marketing of Weider products used Robby Robbinson's body

The Joe Weider's bust used in most of the marketing of Weider products used Robby Robbinson's body submitted by /u/cerebrus21
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Ageless Muscle: Total-Body Workout

Beiron Andersson Lean Body
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine

Beiron Anderssen was one of the hottest male models in his heyday. During the 90's, you would be hard-pressed to find a magazine that didn't have his face in it. He was the face of GUESS, then went on to model for brands like Armani, Versace and Valentino. But even when he was in his modeling prime, he was in no shape compared to his current body.

Now over 50, Anderssen is bigger and more muscular than he ever was back in the day. He focuses more on weight training now, as opposed to running like he used to, and he makes it a priority to point out that he does it all naturally. He enjoys creating workout and diet plans for his clients and in the future, he plans on competing in physique bodybuilding shows.

Here usually trains 5-6 days a week, but when his schedule is packed, he uses this monster full-body workout twice a week. 

Note: Anderssen begins with a 10-minute warmup to get the blood flowing: jumping rope or using a cardio machine like the elliptical or treadmill.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Paulie Malignaggi: McGregor ‘Whimpers Like a Girl’ From Body Shots

Monday, August 7, 2017

"...This is not a bodybuilding contest so extreme muscularity should be marked down..." - Excerpt from Men's Physique Judging Criteria

"...This is not a bodybuilding contest so extreme muscularity should be marked down..." - Excerpt from Men's Physique Judging Criteria submitted by /u/Best_Natty_Calves
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

What Weightlifters Can Learn From Bodybuilders

What Weightlifters Can Learn From Bodybuilders submitted by /u/tellie_21
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Who is this bodybuilder posing with the Spice Girls? (1997 photo)

Who is this bodybuilder posing with the Spice Girls? (1997 photo) submitted by /u/tellman1257
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

[meta] would anyone be interested in a once weekly /r/bodybuilding podcast?

i'm starting to look into creating some content online and i was thinking it might not be a bad idea to start a podcast. this sub gets about 5-6m pageviews a month with more than 600k unique visitors a month for the last 6-7 months, as well as having over 230k subs now (holy shit!). this could be a good platform to do a podcast from. with that many viewers, it could potentially draw in some actual bodybuilders to talk with us, and it might be a new way to freshen up the stream of content on this sub, which has been pretty slow as of late.

the question is- would any of you guys listen to it or participate in it? it couldn't just be me talking, i'd need some people to help out. maybe some of the other mods or some prominent users.

as far as content goes, it could be anything. doesn't have to be strictly bodybuilding content, it could be anything related to the world of lifting. also doesn't have to be strictly informative, i'd like it to be fun to listen to while being informative.

anyone have any opinions?

submitted by /u/hoponthe
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, August 6, 2017

[Question] How many of you are active readers as well? i.e. You work out your mind like you work out your body

Since most people here are improving their physical aspects - how many are pursuing intellectual improvement habits as well?

submitted by /u/bunny_throwaway
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Any opinions on this newbie routine for body building?

It's a 6 day ppl. I got it from an online trainer, whats your thoughts on it guys?

submitted by /u/dj417002
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, August 4, 2017

Sculpt Your Lower Body With Erin Stern!

Carve your perfect quads, hams, glutes, and calves with this complete hip-to-toe program. Erin Stern provides all the cues, details, and workarounds to make it fit with your gym!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sculpt Your Lower Body With Erin Stern!

Carve your perfect quads, hams, glutes, and calves with this complete hip-to-toe program. Erin Stern provides all the cues, details, and workarounds to make it fit with your gym!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Essential blood tests for bodybuilders


My friend has a low testosterone level. He had to spend his time for visiting doctors and labs for testing. Several weeks ago I created a tool for him and shared it with others in /r/Testosterone subreddit. Low T discussions are here and here).

As, It can be used to find different lab tests (not only testosterone), I went through the article about blood testing for bodybuilders.

And now, the website works with the list of tests that bodybuilders should do 1-2 times a year to monitor hormones levels in their blood.

Please check the result: essential blood tests for bodybuilders list

I hope it will be useful for bodybuilders in the US: will save time and find the lowest prices for lab tests on the market. The UI sucks, but I hope it will be clear how to use it. :)

What do you think?

How can I make it better?


UPD: Adding the list of tests from FvckYourSafeSpace from comments

submitted by /u/perldp
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

How effective is Ben pakulski/Joe Bennet style of training in regards to natural bodybuilding?

For the very few of you that don't know them yet, Joe Bennet (@hypertrophycoach) and Ben pakulski, along with Josh Vogel and others, are a team of pro bodybuilders based at mi40 gym, highly specialised in the science of hypertrophy training.

Their training style could be defined a little "unorthodox", for it is exclusively based on the principles of muscle activation, joint alignment and stacking, tension and mind muscle connection, concentric pauses, strength curves, along with occasional eccentric focused training (and you can see this by looking at ben's programs like mi40-x). It's kinda similar to how Julian Smith trains.

In short, their training isn't as based on intensity/traditional exercises/progressive overload as, for example, 3dmj or what is considered the norm in the natural bodybuilding community, but much more on activation, tension and mind muscle connection. They also are obviously enhanced athletes (and are very open about their usage for the main part)

Nonetheless, I greatly respect Ben pakulski as an individual, I find his podcast (muscle expert) amazing, he is an overall no bullshit, extremely dedicated guy, and his advice sounds solid to me.

My mainly concern is: while this training style is obviously suited for enhanced athletes, does it apply for natural bodybuilders? Should I drop intensity like they preach and focus solely on a mi40 type of training?

submitted by /u/luca_marziali
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Body Sculpt Series: Inner Thighs

If you want to whittle your inner thighs, incorporate these five moves into your routine.

If you're looking to tighten and tone your total body—eliminate stubborn fat to reveal your lower abs, whittle your inner thighs, and build a bikini butt—then you'll love our Body Sculpt Series.

These body-part workouts are tailor-made to transform your physique. You'll hone greater muscle definition, gain strength, and torch calories with a range of simple, effective moves.

Here, Muscle & Fitness editor Brittany Smith demonstrates the best exercises for toned inner thighs.

Shot on location at Life Time Garden City

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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Why Paddleboarding Can Be Total-Body Workout

Nick's strength and power is hosting first youtube Bodybuilding Competition. Mr. Golden Era

The concept here is he is looking for people that best represent Golden Era aesthetics and size. There will be no actual stage judging. The video link contains all the info if people want to enter.

I for one think it's a great idea and could be fun. Post here if you plan on entering!

submitted by /u/Xerosnake90
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Jim Stoppani's Whole-Body Hundreds Routine

Get ready for four days, 4,000 reps, and a head-to-toe muscle-building workout like you've never experienced, thanks to a new twist on a classic training technique.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Jim Stoppani's Whole-Body Hundreds Routine

Get ready for four days, 4,000 reps, and a head-to-toe muscle-building workout like you've never experienced, thanks to a new twist on a classic training technique.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Happy 44th Birthday to the one the greatest bodybuilders of all time, Jay Cutler!

Happy 44th Birthday to the one the greatest bodybuilders of all time, Jay Cutler! submitted by /u/LGW
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Why Paddle Boarding is an Amazing Total-Body Workout

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

What made Zyzz, the Undisputed God of Aesthetics, so much more inspiring than all of the body builders (besides Arnold)...? To me it was the fact that he was so genuine, I doubt there will ever be another bodybuilder with such a massive cult like following as him.

What made Zyzz, the Undisputed God of Aesthetics, so much more inspiring than all of the body builders (besides Arnold)...? To me it was the fact that he was so genuine, I doubt there will ever be another bodybuilder with such a massive cult like following as him. submitted by /u/phareux
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

3 ways to unlock your body's full fitness potential

Situp Abs Crunch

You can't escape it: You’re getting older. In fact, age-related hormonal decline can begin as early as age 25, and accelerate dramatically in your 30s and beyond. After 30, studies show, male testosterone drops 2–3% per year, and growth hormone production plummets 14% per decade—both of which can promote weight gain, leave you feeling sluggish and weak, and do a number on your sex drive.


But, good news: There are factors you can control so aging doesn’t have to mean getting paunchy, wheezing up stairs, or avoiding the bedroom. Boosting hormone levels is easier—and more effective—than you’d think.

With this step-by-step primer, you can stimulate your testosterone and human growth hormone.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Best Testosterone And BodyBuilding Supplements

Here are soem of the best rate videos on youtibe about testosterone boosters!

My personal favorite is the last one, its simple and short and strit to the point. The other videos are very well done and have  alot more meat to them but I like simple sometimes!

Best Muscle Building Supplements

8/8/2014 1:43:40 PM +00:00


Best Muscle Building Supplements The development of an impressive muscular posture involved a lot of dedication, both in the gym and in the kitchen. Although a strict training program and a solid diet are essential, taking with the proper muscle building supplements that can help the person to reach a desired goal soon. But with so many muscle building supplements, it is becoming hard to determine which are suitable for bodybuilding? The good news is that many of the existing supplements are effective; our scientific knowledge will help manufactur

Best Testosterone Booster Supplements

8/7/2014 3:44:47 PM +00:00


Best Testosterone Booster Supplements Gaining muscle weight is a complicated process that involves several different aspects and habits. Do you want to gain muscle mass? You are more than 28 years old and you feel soft and without energy? Have you trained and spent lot of time in the gym without reaching your goals? Okay, we all know that testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the male character’s voice, hair, and even of the force, but that a good number of guys fail to realize, is that it is also vital for muscle growth and vitality. Tes

Best Testosterone Booster Supplements

8/7/2014 3:44:47 PM +00:00

Best Testosterone Booster Supplements Gaining muscle weight is a complicated process that involves several different aspects and habits. Do you want to gain muscle mass? You are more than 28 years old and you feel soft and without energy? Have you trained and spent lot of time in the gym without reaching your goals? Okay, we all know that testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the male character’s voice, hair, and even of the force, but that a good number of guys fail to realize, is that it is also vital for muscle growth and vitality. Tes

Anabolic Rx24 Testosterone Booster Review

7/6/2016 8:32:35 AM +00:00 Looking for a boost? Then Anabolic Rx24 Testosterone Booster Review This review of Anabolic Rx24 will give you an insight on the ingredients, how it performs, and what to expect after use. The best hting is it is an all natural testosterone booster and is one of the best ways to get your energy back to what it was before you lost it! Give Anabolic Rx24 a go – you may be pleasantly surprised.

Filed under: Supplements Tagged: Boosters, Supplements, testosterone

from muscle shenanigans

What are your favorite bodybuilding/fitness related podcast episodes?

Hey Guys,

I'm starting to get into podcasts, and I'm looking for some good episodes to listen to. I would prefer it if you suggested specific episodes rather than suggesting a podcast in general.

Here's an episode that I enjoyed recently: Podcast Episode 3: Evan Centopani - How A Pro Grows

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/LGW
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Doutzen Kroes shows off her fit bikini body while enjoying a day on a super yacht in Saint Tropez