Sunday, January 28, 2018

Why am I LOSING strength gains in my legs, but still maintaining/gaining in upper body?




Lifting 10+ years (started seriously @ 18)

Relevant Info:

VERY bad former smoker (averaged 1 - 2.5 packs at day for about 3.5 - 4 years or so...fluctuated a lot depending on mood, stress, anxiety, etc. and have been an on-and-off smoker since 15...have 'quit' multiple times for months and even 2.5 years was my longest 'streak'). Ya ya I know, this is prolly THE reason why my everything sucks balls and I can't get shit in gains. But still...

Creatine and Protein daily (2x bodyweight of grams in protein daily)

So I guess my question is why am I actually LOSING strength in my lower body, but I am able to either maintain or even make gains (sometimes) in areas like Chest and Shoulders?

I try to do legs at least 4x a week or 3.

Usually 2x of squat-centric days and then 2x of deadlift-centric days.

With a strength and power day for each 'style' and then a hypertrophy and mass day for each 'style', but for some time now I've been steadily LOSING strength.

Even not too long ago I was STILL able to at least rep 275 in the hypertrophy/mass-gaining range, but nowadays 225 in the strength/power range is even difficult.

Yet for bench I am able to consistently still pump out 185 - 205 in the hypertrophy/mass range while being able to rep 225 in the power range...which is MORE than what I was able to do when I was able to rep the 275 in squats in the hypertrophy range.

What the Hell???

Same thing with Deadlifts.

Previously able to rep 315 - 335 in the power range, but 375 in the hypertrophy range, and now even 275 in the power range is difficult.

What the Hell is going on?

My chest strength has largely been the same or even slightly better than before.

But for the last 2 years or so my lower body has gradually gotten worse and worse.

I thought it was just the smoking and the age catching up, but then that doesn't explain why the chest is ALSO not getting weaker.

If it's due to smoking/age then shouldn't EVERYTHING be getting weaker?

Also, I'd like to mention that the shoulders are similar to the chest in that they TOO have not really lost any strength.

Able to rep 135 in the hypertrophy range while Sitting Barbell Military Press and also able to rep 135 in the Standing Barbell Military Press, and this has stayed this way for 2 years now, but yet the legs just keep on going down and down.

Seriously, WTF!?!?!

Why the FUCK is this happening to me?

I'm about at the point where I'm considering getting my blood tested for possible low-testosterone levels even though my doctor says that's virtually impossible in my case since NO symptoms have shown up.

This is honestly getting so unbelievably frustrating and just simply ANNOYING.

I'm having fun doing the lower body workouts, and I'm having fun doing legs and enjoying myself especially on deadlifts, but it's just damn near rage-inducing to see it all have the exact OPPOSITE effect of what it's SUPPOSED to do and what it USED to do for me.

And I should also mention that I basically haven't done less than 2x a week of legs in the last several years...IDK prolly about 4.5 - 5 years now.

And yet this keeps on happening.

I guess here's a typical sample of what my lower body workouts might look like on any given leg day workout.

Squat-centric Power Day:

1) 5 x 7 Barbell Squats max effort

2) 5 x 7 Leg Press max effort

3) 5 x 7 Quad Extensions max effort

4) 5x 7 Hamstring Curls max effort

Squat-centric Hypertrophy Day:

1) 4 x 8 Barbell Squats max effort

2) 4 x 8 Front Squats max effort

3) 4 x 8 Barbell Lunges max effort

4) 4 x 8 Quad Extensions max effort

5) 4 x 8 Hamstring Curls max effort

6) 4 x 8 Hack Squats max effort

Deadlift-centric Power Day:

1) 5 x 5 'Regular/Normal' Barbell Deadlift max effort

2) 5 x 5 Romanian Barbell Deadlift max effort

3) 5 x 5 Barbell Glute Bridges max effort

4) 5 x 5 Good Mornings max effort

Deadlift-centric Hypertrophy Day:

1) 4 x 12 Sumo Deadlifts max effort

2) 4 x 12 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts max effort

3) 4 x 12 Rack Pulls max effort

4) 4 x 12 Sitting Hamstring Curls max effort

5) 4 x 12 Quad Extensions max effort

Just FYI I AM doing calf exercises and Hip Abductors/Adductors as well during these workouts, I just fit them in at the end based on how I feel at the time, or possibly between 'major' exercises to give myself a breather/be a little lazy and a little bit of pussy...just a little OK...just a little bit, LOL!

Also, when I am doing cycles where I am only going 2x a week on legs I will make an effort to combine Squats and Deadlifts together to get a more 'completely comprehensive' workout on the legs so that it's not like one muscle group or another is getting disproportionate compared to another.

Typically, when I go on routines that only do legs 2x a week I will do a split between a Power day and a Mass day. Unless the program is specifically meant for something else.

Also, I have tried to incorporate HIIT training as well.

For example, doing a program that does legs 3x a week, but will add in a day of HIIT as a day of leg training.

All of this and yet I am not only FAILING at making any sort of gains, but I am actively LOSING my SHIT!

Both literally and figuratively.

Seriously, what's wrong here?

What am I doing wrong?

Anyone please HALP!!!!

Thanks all!

submitted by /u/Timberwolf0n3
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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