Monday, June 25, 2018

Are there any studies on training a full body daily routine but not to fatigue, in a consistent manner?

I watched a great snippet of the Joe Rogan podcast with a trainer for MMA

It got my inspired and interested to try a new consistency based routine that does not train until fatigue but instead trains everyday, every muscle group, packing on more volume and more reps over the course of the week's training.

The benefits are decreased overall training time(considering no need for rest periods because of rotation muscle groups).

In terms of volume, over a year this would produce hundreds more hours of training.

The difference being that the routine is tailored to hit the sweet spot of being able to train every day without significant pain, fatigue, soreness and stress.

Since the training is lighter, but daily, one could train the whole body each day since each muscle group is not fatigued and the person could switching instantly to another body-part after completing a set, saving time while the other body-part rests.

Just to be a little more specific, the routine is training everyday just to the point where if you train any more you wouldn't be able to complete the next day's routine. This is also adjusted as one gets stronger, so that this is always the case.

My question is, what would the results of this type of training be in terms of size? Remember, they are getting more volume per week than training to fatigue 3x per week, but there is less stress on the body.

I've been reading a lot already but I haven't found any studies which measure a daily higher volume, less intense workout specifically for muscle size/hypertrophy and then compared it with a 2x-3x a week intense until fatigue workout.

submitted by /u/jaffycake
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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