Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How to Relieve Stiff Muscles and Body Aches While Traveling

Female Bodybuilder Files Lawsuit over Gender Discrimination at the Arnold

Female Bodybuilder Files Lawsuit over Gender Discrimination at the Arnold submitted by /u/proxyflex
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Seeking scientific studies on the effects of base size/height on bodybuilding

I know that the idea that taller people somehow find it harder to gain muscle mass has been propagated pretty often, and it might be completely bullshit- so I'm looking for scientific studies that compare muscle growth in individuals to falsify or find correlations. Where can I look for such studies?

submitted by /u/DamnAHtml
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, February 26, 2018

The 9 best bodyweight moves to develop colossal arms

The Workout Plan to Get a Six-Pack Without Doing a Single Crunch

Want huge, ripped arms? Toss aside those weights and get back to basics with a bodyweight-only workout.

We know what you're thinking: What the hell am I supposed to do at the gym without tricep pushdowns and dumbbell curls? But here's the thing: Without all those heavy weights, you’ll give your body and joints a much-needed break. By altering your body angle and position and getting creative with the right tools at your gym, you can still get the necessary stimulus for real growth in your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and forearms.

Substitute your normal arm exercises with these bodyweight moves for the next few weeks and watch your arms grow like weeds—you’re welcome.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

(SIB) The new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding

Unsure where to post this but think this is the best place. So I have always been more of a powerlifter and interested in increasing raw strength, but lately I have become a bit more interested in some bodybuilding as well. Do you think Arnolds book would be a good purchase in that case, do you maybe also have some other recommendations as well?

submitted by /u/thesollutiion
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Bodybuilders who have family members/kids who excel in athletics?

I know this is a kind of weird question, but I have this theory that lifting affects the epigenetics of a person and their offspring, and increased muscle density is somewhat passed down and makes the kid more likely to be athletic growing up. It's not based on any kind of science, just a little theory I have.

I randomly found out that Johnny Jackson's kid was a top 15 recruit for track and field (weight throw).

I know there are a couple others out there but I can't remember them off hand. Anyone got some names?

submitted by /u/qwerty622
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, February 23, 2018

Olympic Interview: The Bodybuilder Who Became A Bobsledder!

Eating and training like a bodybuilder helped Team USA athlete Hakeem Abdul-Saboor dial in his preparation for the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games. In this exclusive interview, he gives us all the details!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Olympic Interview: The Bodybuilder Who Became A Bobsledder!

Eating and training like a bodybuilder helped Team USA athlete Hakeem Abdul-Saboor dial in his preparation for the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games. In this exclusive interview, he gives us all the details!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Former professional strongman athlete and always related to weight training, Mr. Wayne Price is one of the most active IFBB officials nowadays. The current president of the South African Federation (BBSA); Mr. Price is, as well, the key person behind Arnold Classic Africa: the biggest IFBB event in the continent, coming next May 18th to 20th, which will include an IFBB Elite Pro event with 70.000 $ in cash prizes.

Always related to iron sports, Wayne Price owns a gym (Wayne´s Gym) in his city -Centurion- where competitors and average fitness supporters can take profit from his wide experience as an athlete. He was a finalist in the 1995 World´s Strongest Man and national champion in 1991, besides dozens of medals in national and international contests.

Distinguished by the IFBB with the Spirit of Courage Award, at the 71st. Annual Congress, in recognition to his services and activity; Wayne Price is bringing Bodybuilding and Fitness lifestyle in South Africa, to the highest level of activity and recognition.

Picture: Mr. Wayne Price, posing in front of the IFBB Spirit of Courage Award received in 2017, at the IFBB Annual Congress.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Balance and Efficiency: A Method to Stabilize Your Body

Like all things in life, the ability to move well and respond well to a variety of situations is predicated on a degree of balance.

Kevin Moore of Reembody Method


read more

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

19 foods that will slim you down to 7% body fat

Some guys make getting a six-pack sound like some kind of sorcery, as if you need a magic formula to uncover your abs. That couldn't be further from the truth.


In reality, getting down to a healthy but minimal 7% body fat requires discipline, effort, and plenty of science about your nutritional intake. Abs are made in the kitchen, as the saying goes—so make sure you stock up on these 18 high-octane fuels (plus some seasonings) and regulate them with precision.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Balance and Efficiency: A Method to Stabilize Your Body

Like all things in life, the ability to move well and respond well to a variety of situations is predicated on a degree of balance.

Kevin Moore of Reembody Method


read more

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Hobbyist Bodybuilders

Out of curiosity- How many of you guys here train like bodybuilders but don’t plan on ever competing (or any time soon)?

What are your main reasons for lifting?

How/why do you keep yourself motivated year after year and what’s your end goal?

submitted by /u/klawv2
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

For anyone whos developed a strong body-wide mind muscle connection, do you ever feel like everything is uneven?

Ive been lifting for around 7 years now and Ive developed a pretty strong connection to a majority of my muscles. Since Ive felt the connection getting stronger, I also feel like nothing is even anymore. My shoulders always feel like ones higher or further back than the other, my back never feels like its keeping my posture up evenly, and pushing/pulling just feels a little different everywhere. When I look in a mirror to make sure everything is even and in a good anatomically healthy position, I still feel uneven. Is it just normal muscle imbalances or is it something in my head? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Any discussion will help, thanks!

submitted by /u/not_a_homosexual
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What's the fastest body transformation you've ever seen?

Title. I just wanna see whats the maximum possible to change in a whole year.

submitted by /u/MisterColo
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Which Bodybuilders or IG/YouTube Celebs have blocked you and why?

submitted by /u/ayjayred
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

How Good is your BODY FAT DISTRIBUTION? | Vitruvian Model of Genetics

How Good is your BODY FAT DISTRIBUTION? | Vitruvian Model of Genetics submitted by /u/SZXVII
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

World's Oldest Bodybuilders

World's Oldest Bodybuilders submitted by /u/Diskaura
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Working in bodybuilding with Tennis?


I do weights to increase my strength and to get a bit more muscle (no duh) but I am finding that I am struggling to maintain it with my Tennis schedule. I play on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at a minimum and it's not finding the time but dealing with DOMS. I am finding myself stiff and sore during tennis which really effects my ability to relax during shots.

I find I am missing half a week of possible gym time.

Does anyone have any advice that would help me work in the two together?

submitted by /u/Alkaladar
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, February 19, 2018

12-Move Upper-Body Workout For Women

There is lifting for sheer power, and there is lifting with finesse. Sarah Hunsberger offers up this upper-body workout (minus back) that's more about focus than sheer force.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

12-Move Upper-Body Workout For Women

There is lifting for sheer power, and there is lifting with finesse. Sarah Hunsberger offers up this upper-body workout (minus back) that's more about focus than sheer force.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, February 18, 2018


With the outstanding participation of international athletes from 21 Latin American and European countries, the 1st. Mr. & Miss América IFBB Cup has been, this weekend 16th to 18th February, the beginning of the 2018 IFBB competitive season that will spread Bodybuilding & Fitness around the 5 continents.

With TV live streaming from the venue -the magnificent Palacio de los Deportes– and free entry for the audience, Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia has been, as well, the Bodybuilding and Fitness World Capital, with thousands of fans following an event that offered 21.000 $ in cash prizes and 22 Elite Pro Cards for the main winners.

The President of the IFBB, Dr. Rafael Santonja, attended the event, accompanied by the President of the Colombia Olympic Committee, Mr. Baltazar Medina, and IFBB executive officials as Vice-Presidents for America Juan Paredes (South), Eduardo Abdallah (Central), Marco Cabezas (North), Javier Pollock (Caribbean) and Giovanni Arendsz (CACBBFF president).

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Why I'm Doing a Bodybuilding Show - Ben Pollock

Why I'm Doing a Bodybuilding Show - Ben Pollock submitted by /u/Sinovius
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, February 16, 2018

Bodyfat regain

Not liking it too much, jawline and cheekbones are slowly disappearing and kinda making me regret doing this.

Question is will I be able to get them back if I cut to the same bodyfat? Worried incase I bulk too much then I cut back again and the fat doesn't budge from my face... Is that possible?

submitted by /u/Kurtyboyy
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

This Is Full-Body Training Done Right!

Try the first workout from the new Total-Body Strong program, and be prepared to feel it from head to toe! Hit three days a week of this style of training hard, and it just might be all the lifting you need.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

This Is Full-Body Training Done Right!

Try the first workout from the new Total-Body Strong program, and be prepared to feel it from head to toe! Hit three days a week of this style of training hard, and it just might be all the lifting you need.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Ultimate Bodyweight HIIT Workout


There is no doubt that Bodybuilding roots are in Greece, in the Hellenic culture, always related to Sports… Coming next 22nd to 24th March, the tradition will meet with modernity with the occasion of the 1st. edition of President Santonja´s Cup that will be held in Nafplio (Eastern Pelopponese).

Not far from legendary Olympia sanctuary, where the Olympic Games were performed in the classical times; this Pro-Am event will be a tribute to IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja, who is bringing Bodybuilding to a new era of participation and social recognition.

The 1st. edition of the “President Santonja´s Cup”, it is included in the 2018 IFBB World Ranking (7 points for the winner, in every category) and is, as well, an Elite Pro Qualifier event, with up to 24 Elite Pro cards, for the Top 3 athletes in every of its 8 Sports Divisions:

▪ Bodybuilding (Junior, Master & Absolute)
▪ Classic Bodybuilding (Master & Absolute)
▪ Men´s Physique (Master & Absolute)
▪ Muscular Men´s Physique
▪ Bodyfitness (Junior, Master & Absolute)
▪ Bikini (Master & Absolute)
▪ Women’s Physique
▪ Wellness

Picture: IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja, with well-know promoter and athlete, Anastasios Koligkionis (center) and the president of the Greek Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation, Mr. Jordan Leventelis.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Danny “The Giant Killer” Padilla has been named to the Executive Board of IFBB Physique America, where he will join another legend of our sport: Robby “The Black Prince” Robinson.

Danny started his career, still in the High School, by winning his first show, in 1970 (Mr. Rochester). He followed that up by winning the overall title at the 1975 IFBB Mr. USA and the 1977 IFBB Mr. America. In 2009, Danny was inducted into the IFBB Hall of Fame.

IFBB Physique America CEO/President, Mr. Wayne S. DeMilia announced, “this is just another step in the groundwork. We are building a foundation that will allow us to go higher than anyone projected or anticipated.”

Picture: Danny Padilla with Jim Rockell -Executive Assistant to the President of IFBB Physique America- who considers him “the greatest short-man in the history of Bodybuilding”.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, February 15, 2018

God Maker: The Ultimate High Intensity Circuit Workout for a Shredded Body

Bodybuilding audio books?

I work 14 hour days.. Don't always have time to read a lot of articles or books on topic. But I do audiobooks thru my headphones and was curious if anyone knows of any for bodybuilding that are worth a listen. I mostly use audible. Thanks in advance for any help

submitted by /u/stinkfingerdeluxe420
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Kai Greene Gym Shoes - Are there any other bodybuilders designing their own shoes? Any recommendations?

submitted by /u/dann1366
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How to maintain single-digit body fat

According to the American Council on Exercise, essential body fat for men is 2 to 5 percent, and the “athlete” range is 6 to 13 percent. However, “although single digits seems enticing, low double-digits are just as impressive and easier to attain and maintain,” says Angel Aulet, an International Physique League Athletic Pro and personal trainer and group fitness instructor at serveral boutique gyms in NYC.

“The average man can live his entire life with 12 or 13 percent and still have abs and look good—I’ve been there for the last 12 years.” (He’s not a complete freak of nature; he was in the more mortal 16 to 17 percent range before that.)


That said, if you’re starting at around 15 percent right now, you can work to get yourself down into the hallowed single digits in about two months, at least temporarily. Aulet does it before his shows and photo shoots, but he warns: It ain’t pretty. “Expect mood swings!” he jokes (kind of).

He also points out, that as with anything, there are pros and cons. “You will have a fantastic-looking physique, but your face may look a little gaunt—expect dark undereye circles,” he says. “You may also feel weakness, possibly sudden, or lightheadedness because you’re not taking in enough carbs.” In which case, eat some, please! And you should also talk to your doc about your plans beforehand.


Finally, “consider your current profession and lifestyle when entering a program like this. If you’re not a fitness model or competitor, do you really need to go there?” asks Aulet. “During this time, you’re going to say no to social events, and casual eating out is going to be difficult—alcohol is not part of it.” To that end...

from Muscle and Bodybuilding
via IFTTT Fit Employee Spotlight: Rob Smith

Congratulations to Rob Smith for being selected as's Fit Employee of the Month. Find out how working at helps Rob have the strength of an everyday beast while giving back like an everyday king.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding
via IFTTT Fit Employee Spotlight: Rob Smith

Congratulations to Rob Smith for being selected as's Fit Employee of the Month. Find out how working at helps Rob have the strength of an everyday beast while giving back like an everyday king.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding
via IFTTT’s valentines video’s valentines video submitted by /u/Santoshr93
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The 3 Best Power Exercises to Build Upper-body Explosiveness

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The superhero workout to build your own body of steel

The Incredible Hulk

It’s time to get in “super” shape.

With superhero films and comic-book adaptations all the rage in Hollywood, there are more chiseled and jacked actors taking to the screen than you can count on two hands. Want to get yourself in just as good of shape as some of those heroic actors? We have the workout for you.

Follow this plan and you can bulk up like former Men’s Fitness cover star Henry Cavill, who put himself through some rigorous training to play Superman.


With this superhero workout you'll build:

Chest and shoulders like The Hulk: Bruce Banner didn't have to hit the gym before throwing tanks across town and crushing cars between his palm—he simply got angry. But since experimental genomic modification is out of reach for the average dude, we asked Men's Fitness training adviser Jason Ferruggia for a routine to build a gigantic chest and shoulders.

Forearms like Wolverine: Wolverine may have the most impressive forearms of any comic-book hero. Follow this program from C.J. Murphy, a Boston-based strength coach, to one-up him.

Speed like The Flash: To build blink-and-you'll-miss-me speed, increase your power, and improve your running form. Patrick Beith, a speed and performance expert in North Attleboro, MA, shows you how—red bodysuit not required.


Agility like Spider-Man: Spidey relies on quick reflexes to stay one step ahead of his arch-nemeses. You can improve your ability to react and change direction with explosive speed—whether on the athletic field or in the street—using the exercises and drills below, provided by Joe DeFranco, a strength coach in Wyckoff, NJ.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The HIIT Workout to Get the Body of a Gymnast

Gigi Hadid 'Will Not Further Explain' Her Appearance to Body Shamers

5 Bodyweight CrossFit Workouts That Are Perfect for Beginners

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Top Posing Routines in Bodybuilding History

Top Posing Routines in Bodybuilding History submitted by /u/Diskaura
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, February 12, 2018

Fun interview/ interaction between bodybuilder (Gabe Moen) and kids.

Fun interview/ interaction between bodybuilder (Gabe Moen) and kids. submitted by /u/MrPorcy
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Ben Pollack, Powerlifter, may be competing in bodybuilding

Ben Pollack, Powerlifter, may be competing in bodybuilding submitted by /u/Chango99
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

5 things muscle activation technique training can do for your body

Training With Partner

There’s more to muscle maintenance than regular strength sessions and bumping up to the next weight when things feel too easy at the bench. Communication between your brain and muscles also comes into play—and that process is the focus of muscle activation technique training. Here’s how it works: When a muscle is too weak to stabilize a joint, the brain tells other muscles around that joint to tighten up to keep that joint safe. Problem is, not all muscles get the memo. When your brain only sends signals to some muscles, those areas work overtime while other areas do very little work at all, explains MAT specialist Joey Emont.

The good news: personal trainers certified in MAT training can identify weak muscles, or those that aren’t properly communicating with the brain, and walk you through exercises that target those very specific areas. Fixing the way that muscles contract and more evenly distributing work among muscles in a group can do a lot for the body. Here are five things you can expect from MAT training.


1. Increased strength

You’re not working at your full potential if all of your muscles aren’t communicating effectively with your brain. If only 50% of your muscles are functioning, then you could literally double your strength with MAT.

2. Improved coordination

Your brain wants to keep your body safe from injury, but in doing so it sometimes formulates “blind spots” in the way you move. Your brain tells your body to use the strongest muscles to get from point A to point B, even if those muscles don’t function together in a clean line of movement. MAT helps strengthen the muscles that move in a direct path, making your movements quicker and more coordinated.

3. Improved flexibility

Inhibited muscles can send the wrong feedback to your brain and limit your range-of-motion. If you’ve been stretching for years without broadening your range, MAT may help you see some improvements.


4. Lower risk of injury

MAT increases stability by strengthening weak muscles. If you find yourself landing wrong in a sport, you’ll be much less likely to tear a muscle or injure yourself. MAT may just save your ACLs.

5. Less pain

Pain is usually the result of long-term muscle dysfunction, or bad movement patterns that have been repeated for years. Combine this with improper communication between muscles and the brain, and you’re sure to be hurting. MAT improves the brain-muscle communication loop, which can decrease pain.

Get more from Jennifer at, on Facebook at

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Total-Body Strong: 8-Week Full-Body Muscle and Strength Plan

Add size and strength in just three lifting sessions each week with this flexible, straightforward program! No matter what you want to do next, do this first.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Total-Body Strong: 8-Week Full-Body Muscle and Strength Plan

Add size and strength in just three lifting sessions each week with this flexible, straightforward program! No matter what you want to do next, do this first.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Total-Body Strong: Calories and Macro Calculator

Eat for performance during Total-Body Strong, and get the most out of this demanding and transformative training!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Total-Body Strong: Calories and Macro Calculator

Eat for performance during Total-Body Strong, and get the most out of this demanding and transformative training!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

2018 Arnold Classic Preview: Biggest Stars Of Bodybuilding Set To Clash

Who's going to take the podium this year? It's anybody's guess!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

2018 Arnold Classic Preview: Biggest Stars Of Bodybuilding Set To Clash

Who's going to take the podium this year? It's anybody's guess!

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Did the classic bodybuilders like Arnold, Lou, Frank, use spray tans?


submitted by /u/YouCannotBeatVince
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, February 10, 2018

2 Upper-body Workouts to Torch Fat and Build Lean Muscle

Woman performing pushup
Matthew Leete / Getty

Upper-body Bootcamp workout by: Krista Stryker, NSCA C.P.T., founder, 12 Minute Athlete

Upper-body Conditioner workout by: Paul Christopher, founder/co-owner, Gravity + Oxygen Fitness, Boca Raton, FL

* For the Upper-body Conditioner timed workout, choose a weight you can complete for the set amount of time. For a longer set, use same or less weight. Use the same following tempo: 1-sec. contraction, 1-sec. negative. Perform as a circuit for 3 rounds, increasing work time of each exercise by 30 sec. each round. Rest 1 min. between each round.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Workout to Shred Your Entire Body, No Equipment Required

Jumping Jacks on the Beach

We all want to hit the gym, and shred out entire bodies, but in reality a busy schedule can make that difficult. The obvious alternative is an at-home workout, but this workout requires no equipment, and is done in a speedy circuit format. 

Work up a real sweating going from exercise to exercise challenging your entire body just like you were in a full gym. 

This circuit is to be completed three times. 

Workout By: Kenny Hutman Jr., C.P.T., New York Sports Club


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilder Competing at the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang for Team USA 🇺🇸

Bodybuilder Competing at the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang for Team USA 🇺🇸 submitted by /u/proxyflex
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, February 9, 2018

Scars Won’t Stop This Bodybuilder - Motivating story of a young bodybuilder with a unique condition.

Scars Won’t Stop This Bodybuilder - Motivating story of a young bodybuilder with a unique condition. submitted by /u/jhovudu1
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Anabolic Life (2017)- The Greatest Unintentional Bodybuilding Comedy We May Ever Witness

Anabolic Life (2017)- The Greatest Unintentional Bodybuilding Comedy We May Ever Witness submitted by /u/Not_ken_dorsey
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Figure and Bikini Competitor Alicia Marie Puts Her Fitness Knowledge and Killer Body to Good Use

The 30-Minute, Total-Body Burn It Up Workout

Jump Squat
Jay Sullivan

Workout By: Chelsea Potter, CrossFit, HIIT, and certified personal trainer, Solace New York


Try to do all of the following workout circuits (A, B, and C) as one sequence. 

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Perfect 30-Minute Full-body Workout

Runners Lunge Stretch

Time is of the essence during most of our busy days, which is why we’ve got your workout routine covered. Here's one of our best half-hour-or-less routines to trim and sculpt your physique into a masterpiece. This one calls for both equipment, and body weight, so snap a pic of the workout and get to sweating no matter what. 


Workout by: Melissa Chisholm, personal training program manager, Blink Fitness.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Survey: What's the typical personality profile of a bodybuilder? Looking for participants!

We are scientists from the Ruhr-University in Bochum in Germany and currently researching how athletes from different sports and at different proficiency levels differ in their personalities.

We created a survey in which you are asked to characterize the typical athlete one meets in your sport and the ideal athlete for your sport.

The survey takes about 20 minutes and as compensation, we will later inform you about the typical personality profile of your sport!

Link to survey:

Thank you so much in advance!

submitted by /u/sport_personality
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Race Car Driver Danica Patrick Posts Inspiring, Body-positive Side-by-side Photos on Instagram

The Ultimate Dumbbell-only Lower-body Workout for Massive Legs

Bodybuilder performing dumbbell lunge

There is little doubt that legs day is the toughest and most grueling workout session of the week. That is if you're bold enough to treat the muscles of your lower body as seriously as those above the waist. If you do your training at a commercial gym it's likely that you hit quads with such movements as leg extensions, barbell squats, Smith or Hack squats, and some form of the leg press, while the hamstrings are most often treated to lying leg curls, seated leg curls, and perhaps stiff-legged deadlifts.


When it comes to smashing calves you will probably visit the seated and standing calf machine, and maybe even throw in some calf presses. That definitely sounds like a solid plan, and if each exercise is performed with focus and intensity, you should leave the gym feeling satisfied that you put in a good workout.

That said, for your next legs-training day I am going to challenge you to leave the barbells alone and shy away from all of those fancy machines. So how will you go about destroying your lower body without those “essential” pieces of equipment? How about an all-dumbbell session for the quads, hams, and calves. Might sound a little crazy, and maybe even a little bit limiting, but I assure you that once you're done, you'll no longer doubt the power of the dumbbell.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Kids meet Bodybuilder

Kids meet Bodybuilder submitted by /u/Infiniverse
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, February 5, 2018

5 steps to shred layers of body fat

Plenty of guys have asked this simple question at one point or another: "How do I get shredded?"


Of course, the answer is a little more complicated, since there are multiple factors in play when it comes to getting a ripped six-pack. We've broken down the process into five easily digestible steps.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding