Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Suggestions - A replacement for bodybuilding

Hi all,

I've been bodybuilding for something like 20 years now, I'd say only semi serious, I try to eat healthy but don't obsess and its been all natural all the time. Also my workouts are kind of a semi hybrid of body building and strength training.

Anyway, after 20 years I've become bored. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a different, more engaging and enjoyable activity that I can do that won't totally sacrifice the physique and strength i've built up over the years.

To be clear i'm not looking for a new workout routine, I've changed my routine up more ways than I can count, and I still intend to train once or twice a week, I'd just like to find something a little more engaging/rewarding/fun

I would take up surfing but i live about a 4 hour journey from the nearest good surfing beach. But that's definitely along the right lines I think.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/jayeluk1983
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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