Monday, August 20, 2018

First Natural Bodybuilding Show With UKDFBA Novice Regional

Hi guys! Quick update to this last post 2 weeks ago. 2 Weeks Out Novice UKDFBA

So I thought I would share the photos with you - night before comp all tanned and ready to go (still waiting for show day pics).NIGHT BEFORE SHOW PHOTOS

Unfortunately, it as a tough novice class - with 5 other guys. Out of all the previous regional shows this year I had seen for this class, this regional show had by far the toughest competition of them all. Just my luck! I have to be honest, they certainly looked like they had a few years more over me in terms of gaining quality mass. For a novice, I actually felt out of place which I guess is every competitors nightmare on stage! (hopefully I will have some more photos up soon with the others), but I made the mistake of not having a proper off season before going into this.

How do I feel about the competitive aspect? Well, truthfully, I don't think it is something for me. As a personal trainer and educator, I love the gym to build my body and I love to inspire and educate my clients to help them build theirs. But from a competitive aspect, the ball game changes. If you do wish to compete regularly and be good at it, it does need to be your primary goal, and you need to LOVE THE PROCESS of the prep (something which I didn't enjoy and by the end of it all, I just literally stalled - both physically and mentally).

I will get a more detailed write up for you guys over the next couple of days. But I thought I would update you guys for now.

submitted by /u/WeightliftingWWL
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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