Hello all! I'm an experienced gym goer who has trouble exercising and eating right. While I know both are important, I want to at least surmount one of my issues here so I'm not overwhelmed.
I want to properly use my colleges gym and get a full body workout but I don't entirely know what to do.. however, when I've gone there, I generally use these machines that I think are good (but I just use them up until I hit my limit. I did not do sets, only reps.)
77 Arm Extension - triceps
86 Fly - Pectoralis Major
66 Row - Lattismus Doris, Teres Maj., Biceps, mid trap., rear delts, rhomboid
39 Hip Abduction - Glut. Med., Glut. Max, Piriformis, Tensor fasciae latae
38 Hip Adduction - Adductor Magnus, A. Longus, A. Brevis, Pectineus
45 Abdominal - Rectus Abdominis, Internal and External oblique
64 Overhead Press - Anterior Deltoid, Mid Deltoid, triceps(basic), biceps(advanced)
71 Lat Pulldown - Latissimus dorsi, teres Maj., Biceps brachii, Mid traps, rhomboid, triceps, Pectoralis major and minor, deltoid, upper traps, Rectus abdominis
72 Back Extension - Erector Spinae, deep spine extension
76 Arm Curl - Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis
There are more machines than what I've listen, and some free weights (which I try curling for 8 sets x 10 reps at 20lbs).
Is this enough for a good full body workout? To successfully build muscle, and once I eat a lot, will this work? Every time I try to research fitness I always get overwhelmed which is really bad but our muscly Arnie terminator is inspirational and made me want to care for myself even more. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
I'm 5'10 and 160lbs. (177.8cm & 72.6kg)
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2OsZI2l
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