Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Suggested Full-body Routine (3 days per week) for a 40+ hobby-lifter

Hi all,

First time poster here. I was wondering if people may be able to give me some routine and lift recommendations based on my situation. I have been lifting for for about three years, but I only lift 3 days per week. I am over 40 and I am also overweight. My goal is basically to slowly improve my physique and fitness over time. So far, I have been accomplishing that goal. However, I think I need to re-evaluate the exercises that I have been doing most consistently. Right now, I almost always do the following:

Bench press

Front Squats

Pull Ups

Front High-Lift Pulls

Single-arm Lat pull down

I also mix in the following fairly often:

Back ext

DB Military Press

BB Curls

Trap bar Squat

I have had some issues with both sciatica and a shoulder injury a while back.

Any other suggestions? I am especially hoping to improve my back, as that is one area that I neglected for too long. Thanks for the suggestions and happy lifting.


submitted by /u/lamentforanation
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2IhqWHt

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