Thursday, March 23, 2017

After years of bodybuilding, I've realized something maybe some of you might have realized as well. Call it what you may, but it's definitely something that bothers me.

Excuse the wall of text. There is a TL;DR on the bottom of the thread.

I've been bodybuilding now for about 5 years and in that time it evolved from a mewbie who didn't know the proper way to curl, all the way to where I am now researching cycles, keeping up with bodybuilding news, reading forums and having healthy discussions about the bodybuilding culture amung other things, but recently something has struck a nerve within me.

The body holding culture has been making huge strides as of lately. A sport which evolved from the underground has changed so much, even in the past few years. A couple of years ago, the Arnold Classic looked nothing like it does now. A couple of years ago, communities such as this did not exist and if they did, they were on underground forums which not many people even knew existed - which segways into my next point.

Bodybuilding, although still underground, has [in some opinions] slowly started to permeate into a pseudo-msm light. Meaning, a sport which never really attracted much attention now has conventions of which tens of thousands of people participate in. At this point, it is without a doubt we'll know that the bb idols many people see today use gear.

Now personally, to me it's a part of life in this culture. It's as normal to me as having a ciggarett is for people. I think nothing of it and even have my own experience with it, but shit like this has got to stop [in my own personal opinion].

When I saw that on Facebook it struck a nerve.

Why you may ask?

Because it really gives a false depiction and to me, allows half-truths to be 'O.K', and what I mean by that is, no one is dumb enough to look at this guys picture and say, 'Wow, I can look like that by simply eating right, having the dedication and working out? Awesome!' - and if they are, it would be because of true innocent ignorance.

But touching on what I said before, bodybuilding has become a decently well known sport now and with many famous bodybuilding icons such as Calvin coming out and talking about his gear use, it's not like the use of it in our beloved sport it uncommon. Granted, yes, you can look very fit being natty and eating right, maintaining nutrition and working out, but that can only go so far before you naturally peak.

What annoys me are these rando bodybuilders trying to cultivate some following by saying stuff like "All you need is dedication, the right food and the drive to workout! With these you can be like me!" Yea... and what about the other stuff. The stuff you're afraid to talk about?

To me, these people who bodybuild and say stuff such as this make the sport feel... fake. Maybe fake isn't the right word, but definitely not the way I feel about it which I love.

The sport has come such a long way and it just seems 'fake' to me when these guys and gals say, "It's easy to look like me. Diet, excersize, motivation, and willpower is all you need!" When in reality, those only get you so far.

I for one embrace all that our sport is and everything that comes along it with.

Maybe I just took the picture out of context or maybe I'm not the only one who feels this.

Tldr: let's be real

Also, been working on my triceps -

submitted by /u/ImTheDamnPresident
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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