Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Prince Harry starts working on his wedding body, steps out for workout

Prince Harry Hits the Gym

Prince Harry may be fifth in line for the British throne, but just like any other dude gearing up for a wedding, he's getting his body ready for the nuptial celebrations. And that means hitting the gym.

Just one day after announcing his engagement to Meghan Markle, an American actress best known for her work on the television series Suits, the royal was spotted leaving a workout session in London.


Prince Harry Works on His Wedding Body

A former Captain in the British Armed Forces, Prince Harry shouldn't have much trouble getting his fitness back into military-grade shape—but he's going to have to put in the sweat sessions to get there. Luckily, though, his marriage to Markle isn't planned to take place until May 2018, so he's got plenty of time to work on getting lean and building upper-body muscle so he can fill out his suit on the big day.

If you've got a wedding coming up—whether you're the groom or not—you'll want to give these routines a go: Our favorite three total-body workouts to build lean muscle all over, our seven ways to shred body fat in seven days, and our best dumbbell-only routine to build a colossal chest.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

10 Best Bodyweight Exercises To Train Your Core

Strengthen your abdominal and lower-back muscles anywhere with these essential bodyweight moves.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

10 Best Bodyweight Exercises To Train Your Core

Strengthen your abdominal and lower-back muscles anywhere with these essential bodyweight moves.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Considered as ” the best Bolivarian Games in the History”, the recent 18th edition celebrated in Santa Marta (Colombia), will be remembered for several positive reasons and, one of them, will be the participation of IFBB athletes from Games Classic Bodybuilding, Men´s Physique, Bikini Fitness and Fitness, in this Games.

The recent days 22nd and 23rd November, the mentioned IFBB disciplines were performed in the official venue “Salón Simón Bolívar”, with the participation of athletes from the eleven countries represented: Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Perú, Guatemala, Rep. Dominicana, Paraguay, Bolivia, El Salvador and Panamá.

In overall, a fantastic experience that strengthened the relationships between IFBB and Olympics and will have its continuation in the American continent, where IFBB is fully recognized by the Pan American Sport Organization (PASO/ODEPA).

Picture: IFBB President Dr. Rafael Santonja, attended “the best Bolivarian Games in History”, joined by several Olympic Executives, participating in the awards ceremonies.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

r/bodybuilding's wet dream (shitpost)

r/bodybuilding's wet dream (shitpost) submitted by /u/bravo_bravos
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, November 26, 2017

what are the five most basic and integral bodybuilding tools in your arsenal?

ive been on my recomp journey for 4 months and am delighted with the results.

I took my first deload week and i'm back in it starting tomorrow.

so i start researching in an attempt to reveal and cover any blind spots, only to find a lot of people flapping gums but not being as straight forward as possible in relating what is completely barebones and undeniable truth when it comes to bodybuilding (specifically recomping healthfully and efficiently). just words and blah blah blah...

get to the fucking point already.

so i'd love to hear your thoughts. imagine someone walked up to you in the gym and said:

"1-5, what are the five most important tools, foods, supplements, methods, etc that got you where you are and are getting you to your current goals?"

thanks for playing.

submitted by /u/west_end_squirrel
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tim Budesheim a German bodybuilder just won his Pro Card!! check out his IG

Tim Budesheim a German bodybuilder just won his Pro Card!! check out his IG submitted by /u/luksche2
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Were the bodybuilders of Arnold’s era as big as was possible at the time?

I see a lot of complaining here that the mass monsters of today no longer aim for aesthetics. Was aesthetics really that big of a focus in Arnold’s era? As in, were they intentionally restricting their size to have good proportions, or were they as huge as they could get with the steroids available at that time period?

submitted by /u/JoseDzirehChong
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Two-Jointed Muscles of the Lower Body: What They Are and How to Train

A muscle that is a flexor at one joint may also be a flexor or extensor at another. These are known as two-jointed muscles, and here are the most effective ways to train the ones in your lower body.

Are you even aware you possess muscles that perform multiple joint functions? That is, a commonly-known flexor at one joint may also be a flexor or extensor at another joint. These muscles are known as two-jointed muscles (TJM), also called biarticulate or biaxial muscles. Our bodies are amazing machines, and TJM's contribute to this amazement.


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Two-Jointed Muscles of the Lower Body: What They Are and How to Train

A muscle that is a flexor at one joint may also be a flexor or extensor at another. These are known as two-jointed muscles, and here are the most effective ways to train the ones in your lower body.

Are you even aware you possess muscles that perform multiple joint functions? That is, a commonly-known flexor at one joint may also be a flexor or extensor at another joint. These muscles are known as two-jointed muscles (TJM), also called biarticulate or biaxial muscles. Our bodies are amazing machines, and TJM's contribute to this amazement.


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Accutane and Bodybuiding

Im 19 years old and just started taking accutane, because i started having more and more acne all over my face (especially my jawline), arms and back. I just started working out for 10 months and i cant even wear a t shirt because of this acne which is frustrating. Im now 10 days (10mg a day) on Accutane so far. Im following all the rules but i just can't get rid of Whey Protein even tho my dermatologist told me to avoid them. But i'm not sure about it..

I used to weight 148 Lbs and im 6'2" now my current weight is 176 and it took me so much effort and time to achieve all that goal even tho i got a bit of a belly but thats fine. Its hard to replace the Protein Shake if you wanna cover your daily recommended protein intake. I find it hard to cover it even though im using the Protein Shake let alone without.

You need to eat a lot more protein if you wanna replace it and with my busy schedule its clearly not achievable. I read some people's experiences on a Bodybuilding forum concerning Accutane and Whey Protein most of them said it doesn't affect anything. Yet i'm not sure about that one because Whey is a molken Protein and as an acne patient you should avoid dairy products. Accutane makes you feel lazy and tired which i experienced by myself. But then again and i dont wanna lose the progress that i made the past months and knowing i can use a shaker will kind of motivate me. Because going to the gym without proper nutrition is just pointless..

submitted by /u/royboom
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

I've been passionate about bodybuilding for years, but I'm 26 now and feel like my chances of competing are gone.

How old is too old? I see these guys... Regan, Dallas (RIP), etc. who are 22 and 24 years old, and just MASS MONSTERS. I'm 26 and nowhere near their level. At my age, I get this feeling that I'm just "too late", and missed out. Is this dumb? Or am I pretty much spot on? My physique is decent, and I'm getting there, but all signs point to the fact that I'm "old" now for the sport.

submitted by /u/fitted
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Phil Heath's opinion on the classic bodybuilding division.

Phil Heath's opinion on the classic bodybuilding division. submitted by /u/Giveerrabadytrt
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Reasons You Aren't Losing Body Fat

Chasing some new diet dogma isn't going to fix your underlying issues.


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Bodybuilding and Fitness are included as the sports that make up the program for the 18th Bolivarian Games that are celebrating in Santa Marta (Colombia), from November 11th to 25th. This Games are organized by the Bolivarian Sports Organization (ODEBO), dependent on the Pan American Sports Organization, the Government of Colombia, the Mayor of Santa Marta and the Colombian Olympic Committee chaired by Mr. Baltazar Medina.

Over 4.100 athletes from 11 American countries are participating in this Bolivarian Games and IFBB are an important part of this figures.

Picture: Executives of the IFBB, in a lunch together with Mr. Baltazar Medina, president of the Colombian Olympic Committee; in Santa Marta: (Right to Left) President Santonja, Mr. Baltazar Medina, General Juan Santiago Estrada – special adviser to the IFBB – and Eduardo Abdalah, IFBB Vice President for Central America.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

7 bodyweight exercises you can do on your front steps

'Hey Arnold' Stoop Kid Workout Plank

Back in 2002, the beloved cartoon Hey Arnold! left fans with a gargantuan cliffhanger: What happened to its titular character's parents after they were last seen on a jungle excursion? Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie premieres on November 23, and, hopefully, it'll provide nostalgic fans with the family reunion Arnold dreamed of in the show—or with some closure, at the very least.

To celebrate the film's release, Reebok trainer and coach at Solace New York, Andrew Mariani, developed a bodyweight workout that's sure to spark some nostalgia with its fun, Hey Arnold!-themed exercise names. "It was honestly one of my favorite shows," says Mariani. "I always got caught up in the stories. I even played it on-demand in my dorm room in college a couple times."

Inspired by one of the show's most notable locations—Stoop Kid's stoop—he programmed a tough workout that you can do on your own stoop, sans equipment.


"Use the stoop and your bodyweight to simulate movements you can do at a gym where you have equipment at your disposal, such as barbells, weights, and dumbbells," Mariani says. "You can basically work the same muscle groups as you would with those pieces of equipment by using everyday objects or environments, such as a stoop, in your workout."

Keeping it fresh and switching the location of your workout also works your muscles in new ways, according to Mariani. "Exercising in different environments and using your bodyweight vs. equipment will challenge your body to work in a different way than it’s used to and create positive change," he says.

Although we're sure you're not afraid to leave your stoop, you can add variety to your workout program or sneak a workout in during the holidays with this equipment-free routine.

To channel your inner Stoop Kid and make some gains, perform 3-5 rounds of the following moves:

Exercise 1: Football Head pushups (elevated pushups) (10 reps)

Football Head Pushup

Directions: Place hands shoulder-width apart on one of the higher steps of the stoop. Perform a pushup—making sure to keep your hips, knees, and toes in line, and your core tight.

Exercise 2: Neighborhood foot-elevated pushups (10 reps)

Neighborhood Pushups

Directions: Place hands shoulder-width apart on the ground in front of the stoop with your feet on one of the steps. Perform a pushup, making sure to keep your hips, knees, and toes in line, and your core tight.

Exercise 3: Shortman single-leg stepups (20 reps)

Shortman Stepup

Directions: Place one leg at the bottom of the stoop and the other leg two steps up, with your knee bent. Step up, raising your knee above the step. Then, bring that leg back down to its original position. For added momentum, bend the opposite arm while you step.

Exercise 4: "Whatever you say" triceps dips (10 reps)

"Whatever You Say" Triceps Dip

Directions: Place hands shoulder-width apart on a high step of the stoop, with your legs extended straight out, touching the sidewalk in front of the stoop. Keeping your back close to the stoop, bend your elbows to lower your body toward the ground. Once your elbows are at a right angle, push up to return to the starting position.

Exercise 5: San Lorenzo elevated mountain climbers (20 reps)

San Lorenzo Mountain Climbers

Directions: Start in an extended plank position with your hands resting on a higher step of the stoop and your feet on the sidewalk. Bring your knee up toward your chest while keeping your body in as straight a line as possible. Return to the starting position, and repeat the movement with your opposite leg.

Exercise 6: Beeper King split squats (10 reps each leg)

Beeper King Split Squat

Directions: With your feet hip-width apart, place the instep of your rear foot on one of the steps. Lower your hips toward the floor so that your rear knee comes close to the floor. Pause, and drive through your front heel to return to the starting position.

Exercise 7: P.S. 118 pistol squats (10 reps)

P.S. 118 Pistol Squat

Directions: Stand on the second step of the stoop with one leg planted firmly and the other foot extended slightly out in front. Push your hips backwards and bend into a squat on the standing leg, keeping the extended leg out in front and off the ground throughout the movement. Raise back up to the original position, never letting the extended foot hit the ground.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Reasons You Aren't Losing Body Fat

Chasing some new diet dogma isn't going to fix your underlying issues.


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

NBA Players Who Could Be Bodybuilders

NBA Players Who Could Be Bodybuilders submitted by /u/Diskaura
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, November 20, 2017

Any good YouTube channels or other sources for body building movements?

As the post says, was curious if there are any channels or anything else to teach you different body building movements that go over different muscle areas?


submitted by /u/Ghostspider1989
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

/r/bodybuilding Secret Santa

All messages have officially went out. If you have not received a message from me regarding who you are to message, PM ME ASAP.

If you have not been messaged, AND/OR the person you have messaged has not replied, please PM ME ASAP

Hope this can go smoothly, and a merry christmas to you all :)

submitted by /u/drlasr
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Why as a massive community on subreddit, and one that I’m sure previously frequented this website are not coming down hard on these guys and in boycotting/spreading the word about them maybe we can force them to change their rules and go back. Maybe even get an AMA with the CEO or something.

Because I don’t know about you guys, but I got into training properly recently and body building was a great resource for me. Now I feel kinda stuck as I don’t trust other programs online.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/CRONIK_ZA
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

A message to all of our female bodybuilders and lifters in r/BB!


I'm working on getting an AMA set up for you all. I know bodybuilding is predominately a male sport, but it's important to put the spotlight on the hard working females in the sport as well. That also includes this subreddit.

We understand that there are a lot of female athletes and bodybuilders in our subreddit. It's hard to tell who is who when everyone is hidden behind an anonymous username, but rest assured, we know you're here lurking and participating!

I am friends with a handful of well known NPC and IFBB female lifters. Some nationally known and some regionally known, but all have a wealth of knowledge. To set something up for the females we have, I am currently working on setting up an AMA or two for the ladies.

Please be patient as I work through this process. Setting up AMA's with athletes is not the easiest thing to get done!

(Big thanks to /u/wesleyvissers for making the process easy with him!)

Just wanted send this message out to all the ladies here.


/u/ImTheDamnPresident and the /r/BB mod team

submitted by /u/ImTheDamnPresident
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Antonio Mirante, an italian bodybuilder Nabba World Champion (1997).

Antonio Mirante, an italian bodybuilder Nabba World Champion (1997). submitted by /u/TommasoNastasi
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, November 19, 2017

What Bodybuilder Had The Biggest Frame In History?

In terms of over all natural bone structure like shoulder width etc. And which one currently has the biggest?

submitted by /u/Ripatripa
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Discussion: Best bodybuilder of all time that NEVER won the Olympia?

I'm interested in hearing your opinions here. Preferably talking about those who actually competed in the O but could never land it.

post a photo, explain why you think he's the best, or add to the discussion in some way!

submitted by /u/fidgetspinonmydick
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

I'm thinking of making a series travelling across the UK about bodybuilders and 'why they started', what do you guys think?

I'm thinking of making a series travelling across the UK about bodybuilders and 'why they started', what do you guys think? submitted by /u/fashionplaymaker
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Bodybuilder Gene Jantzen with wife Pat, and eleven-month-old son Kent, 1947.

Bodybuilder Gene Jantzen with wife Pat, and eleven-month-old son Kent, 1947. submitted by /u/The_SaltLife
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding
via IFTTT’s unexpected paywall

I showed up to the gym today and opened my Shortcut to Size app (because I need guidance or I end up just doing curls and skull crushers all the time) and they are now charging $8.99 a month for all their programs. They didn’t even tell the people who made them - several of the spokespeople have taken to their social media pages to apologize and tell people where they can find their stuff for free.

You would think they would have provided some warning or perhaps even witnessed the EA debacle and held off.

Sorry if this is considered off-topic. I just wanted to warn others who are following their programs and to find out where you all are getting programs from.

submitted by /u/nochedetoro
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, November 17, 2017

LPT: You can use the Wayback Machine to view old archived versions of's workouts

If you google the link to the specific day you want just put it into the Wayback Machine and it will give you an archived version. You can find it here:

submitted by /u/rationalinquisition
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Biggest Bulges in Bodybuilding

The Biggest Bulges in Bodybuilding submitted by /u/fidgetspinonmydick
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, November 16, 2017

First ever /r/Bodybuilding sponsored athlete. This is an idea in the alpha stages so please read, comment your thoughts and ideas and participate in discussion.

Whats up bb's, it's me your president, also one of your moderators here at /r/Bodybuilding. I facilitate the AMA's and I'm also working on getting a few others to host AMA's in the near future but thats a discussion for another time.

Anyway, lets get down to the meat and bones.

The idea was random but something that could be quite unique if accomplished correctly.

As many of you know, we have some great athletes here in the subreddit. Athletes who compete in classes ranging from Open, Classic, Physique both men and womens, Bikini etc. etc.

Here is the idea: We, /r/Bodybuliding, will sponsor one of our very own members for a bodybuilding competition.

How it will be done: We will have voting done in stages, almost like a NFL bracket. There will be a mens division and a womens division. We will vote on our favorite male athlete and we will vote on our favorite female athlete. They can compete in any class they so choose.

The voting will take place over a couple weeks or what have you. Really, just however long it takes.

Requirements for the athletes: MUST be active and participating members of our community and whatever else the community thinks is appropriate.

As I said, this is still an alpha idea. We will work it out more as time goes on. If we accomplish this, this could be one of the coolest things any bodybuilding community has done.

Please discuss.

submitted by /u/ImTheDamnPresident
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding


The magnificent Polish athlete Radoslaw Slodkiewicz (born in 1976) became in the new overall Master Bodybuilding Champion, after his clear victory in the recent IFBB World Junior & Master Championships held in Bistrita (Romania), last weekend 10th to 13th November.

With his solid and ripped 105 kg., Slodkiewicz took the gold medal in the Heavyweight category (40 to 44 years old), defeating Aleksei Bocharov (Russia), who took advantage in the semifinals. With a fantastic routine (5 points), Slodkiewicz took the title and qualified for the Super Final, we he faced the other 11 master world champions and defeated all of them by majority decision from the judges. With an score of 8 points, his main rival was the team mate Rafal Tasiemski (12 points) who placed second in the Super Final, after winning the Gold Medal in the Light Heavyweight (40 to 44 years old).

Picture: Radoslaw Slodkiewicz (Poland), 2017 Master World Bodybuilding Champion.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The Gronkowski Family's Total-body Football Workout

Rob Gronkowski
David Yellen / M+F Magazine

As the bros were hitting middle school, their father, Gordie Sr., a co-owner of G&G Fitness in upstate New York, set up a fully equipped weight room for his five sons—Dan, Chris, Gordie Jr., Glenn, and Rob— for them to begin hitting the weights in their Amherst, NY, basement. Their intro started with low weight and high reps “so we would get used to the movements and to build strength for coordination,” Dan says. “Apparently it was a good plan.”

Whether they were breaking balls or breaking into dance between sets, and no matter the occasion—gearing up for game time under Friday night lights or getting their pump on before Saturday night shenanigans—the Gronks always made time to lift as a team. “In high school, we’d be like, ‘Let’s get a workout in before we go out,’ so we were all buff and everything,” Dan says.

Their athletic success is a well-documented tribute to the success of sibling camaraderie: Four of the five brothers were drafted in the NFL, with Rob, the most well known, a two-time Super Bowl champion and three-time All-Pro tight end with the New England Patriots. “With my brothers and I having each other, it helped significantly in two ways,” says Dan, a 2009 seventh-round draft pick by the Detroit Lions who played four seasons in the NFL as a tight end. “First, it was leading by example. The younger brothers were able to see how working out made you a better athlete. Second, we kept each other accountable and helped push each other to be the best we could be.”

So the logical next step in the family fitness evolution would be to create their own brand of group fitness—Gronk Fitness Programming. It’s a functional training class that differs from most, according to Dan, as it’s designed from actual pro sports training experiences, making it particularly attractive to ex-jocks as well as weekend warriors. At a Gronk Fitness Programming session you’ll experience a game day atmosphere: team captains, huddles, all-out intensity exercises, a two-minute drill, and even Gronkisms like their family slogan, “Get Your Mind Right,” which means “stay focused.” The workouts are even intense enough to impress Rob. “When he was hurt last year, he checked out a class,” Dan says. “He said, ‘Wow, this is so legit!’ And I’m like, ‘Obviously, Rob.’ ”

The benefits of Gronk Fitness Programming, according to Dan, are vast: The high-intensity aerobic and strength circuit will burn more calories and boost endurance in about half the time of a traditional workout. It’s also low impact, which will save your joints. And since the workouts are designed after actual sports programs, it’s fun, challenging, and beneficial to both athletes and wannabe athletes. With the group members constantly pushing one another, it’s a natural team builder, which helps participants feel accountable and stick with the program. “We want people who aren’t in their zones to push themselves and beat their physical goals, but also leave there knowing they can achieve things that they haven’t before,” Dan says.


There are eight stations. Perform a variation of one exercise from each station for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds, then proceed to the next station. Do this for three rounds with a 90-second rest in between rounds.

After you complete 3 rounds, perform this 2-minute drill: Perform any two exercises as fast and as hard as possible for 60 seconds each.

Complete a cool down after your workout with some light stretching and foam rolling.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 now charges you a monthly subscription to view all current routines that were previously free.

As of today bodybuilding released an “ALL ACCESS” program that now charges you a monthly sum to view routines. Unfortunately this program also covers all previously posted routines that many of us have used for years, as much as I understand the need for revenue and profits, it has been a sudden and immediate change with no notice to their user community.

submitted by /u/youngchulha
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding
via IFTTT All Access


from Muscle and Bodybuilding
via IFTTT All Access


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Fashion Models in the Media Take a Toll on Women's Body Image, a New Study Finds

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


With a new record of participation in athletes and countries, the recent IFBB World Junior and Master Championships in Bistrita (Romania) was an excellent sport success for a country that loves the sport and made the illustrious capital city of Bistrita, to become in the world capital of Bodybuilding and Fitness during the last weekend.

The activities started on Friday 10th, with a Press conference held at the goverment building, leaded by President Santonja, joined by Bistrita- Nasaud County Council Chairman Mr. Emil Radu Moldovan and the President of the Romanian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation, Mr. Gabriel Toncean.

Picture: Bistrita- Nasaud County Council Chairman, Mr. Emil Radu Moldovan; IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja and the president of the Romanian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation, Mr. Gabriel Toncean.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Leaded by new national president, recently elected, Mr. Balkissoon Parsad; Bodybuilding keeps growing in Mauritius from the hand of FBBA (Federation of the Bodybuilding Association) that celebrated, recent November 12th, the 2017 Mr. & Miss Flaco Bodybuilding Championships and, on November 13rd., the Mr. Moka Bodybuilding Championships.

The main results where, as follows:

Mr. & Miss Flaco Bodybuilding Championships:

Winner Novices: Ludesh Jungly
Winner Novices (Women): Annesophy Roussety
Winner Senior -65 kg: Sanjayduth Maton
Winner Senior -100 kg: Jean Philipe Hovas

Overall Mr Flacq Body Building Championship 2017:
1st Place: Sanjayduth Maton (P. Balkissoon Gym)
2nd Place: Jean Philippe Hovas (P. Balkissoon Gym)
3rd Place: Lidesh Jungly (P. Balkissoon Gym)

Overall Women´s:
1st Place Miss Annesophy Roussety (P. Balkissoon Gym)

Mr. Moka Bodybuilding Championships:

Winner Junior +80kg: Lavish Bumma
Winner Senior -65 kg: Abdool Chamurally
Winner Senior -70 kg: Vivekanand Appadoo
Winner Senior -90 kg: Aveenash Appadoo

Overall Mr Moka Body Building Championship 2017:
1st Place: Tony Gilbert Lajoie (Strong Barbell Gym)
2nd Place: Aveenash Appadoo (Strong Barbell Gym)
3rd Place: Lavish Bumma (Strong Barbell Gym)

The next great event in the country will be the Mr Mauritius National Body Building Championship, held next Saturday 2nd December 2017 in a great venue: the Rollande Hungley Municipal Multipurpose Hall Plaisance.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

What is the strongest and weakest muscle in the human body?

What is the strongest and the weakest muscle in the human body/

submitted by /u/Der_Ist
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Monday, November 13, 2017

Lift Stuff: Add Mass to Your Body and Years to Your Life

As humans, we’ve crafted our environment to make life easy. While that’s helped us get where we are today, it comes at a potential price.

Photo by Bev Childress


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Powerlifter tryna be a bodybuilder

Powerlifter tryna be a bodybuilder submitted by /u/brojob_brojob
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

/r/Bodybuilding Secret Santa!

Hello you sexy sonsofabitches.

There was a big fiasco with the last secret santa, with the OP deleting their acc, a shady address form, and someone posing to be OP afterwards? All in all a very confusing time. So I messaged the mod team and got the approval to host one myself, that will hopefully go smooth as butter :)

For anyone that doesn't know, a Secret Santa is an anonymous gift exchange with an organized group of people. You'll be given the name of another reddit user, and should message them when you receive their name for confirmation sake. The person receiving the message is the gift recipient, and the user messaging them is the "Secret Santa," or gift giver. The person receiving the gift should then give their santa their address, and you'll be done. :) As the Santa, feel free to ask questions about sizes to make sure you get the right size!

- 3 month old account
- be an active account

Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.

[Here's] the link to the forms sheet. I'll leave the sharing of address' to the 2 users. I'll use my google sheets knowledge to quickly sort it all out once we are done. I hope we can have all packages and gifts mailed out by the following sunday, however it should be fine if you mail it out by at least another week following that.


submitted by /u/drlasr
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Queens bodybuilder busted for persuading women to make child porn

Queens bodybuilder busted for persuading women to make child porn submitted by /u/TipTipTopKek-NE
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Anybody else have Raynaud's disease?

I just got diagnosed with primary Raynaud's on Monday. For those who don't know, its basically an incurable condition where your blood vessels excessively constrict in response to cold. I first started having symptoms 3 or 4 years ago, which was just blue hands.

I started bodybuilding around the same time, and I've put on a lot of muscle mass over the last few years. My Raynaud's symptoms have gotten progressively worse, to the point where now my hands and toes are blue all winter long and I get full body chills if I'm not dressed in enough layers.

I'm wondering if bodybuilding would be detrimental to this disease. It would make sense that putting on more mass would mean the body would have to work harder to pump blood outwards. Then again, they say exercise is beneficial to Raynaud's.

Does anyone else have Raynaud's, and if so, what do you do to make life easier? Has it effected bodybuilding for you at all?

submitted by /u/Bounce1856
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

One YouTuber added up the deaths on 'Game of Thrones,' and the body count is staggering

Kit Harington as Jon Snow in 'Game of Thrones'

If any television show has mastered the art of putting together explosive battle scenes with plenty of slow-paced politicking, it's HBO's Game of Thrones.

Between chemical warfare (dragonfire), biological warfare (fire from an actual dragon), or an old-fashioned sword to the skull, there are plenty of gruesome ways to exit the wildly popular series. The more you (binge) watch, the more you can't help but think to yourself, "Damn, people are constanly dying." And you'd be right.

But exactly how many people (and animals) have met their (usually) untimely ends throughout the seven seasons of Game of Thrones?


Leon Andrew Razon, a YouTuber with dozens of compilation videos, took it upon himself to consolidate each and every on-camera death (making general estimates for the larger battles) into one chronological video.

The final body count? 174,373 total. But we definitely expect that number to rise by the time the eighth and final season is through.

Check out the full 20-minute video, which shows clips of each and every death scene, below:


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Lift Stuff: Add Mass to Your Body and Years to Your Life

As humans, we’ve crafted our environment to make life easy. While that’s helped us get where we are today, it comes at a potential price.

Photo by Bev Childress


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Bodyweight vs. Weighted Exercise for Strength

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Jason Huh the bear mode bodybuilder

Jason Huh the bear mode bodybuilder submitted by /u/jeankjean
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding


World and European champion Aristide Mbomni (Germany), has been the most highlighted athlete of the season in Classic Bodybuilding. Born in 1979 (38 years old), Aristide made an interesting career in Martial Arts, before becoming in a Classic Bodybuilding star.

With a solid education (he speaks several languages), Mbomny has been leading the Classic Bodybuilding World Ranking during the whole season, based on his aesthetic body with 168 cm and almost 66 kg., “ripped to the bones”. The German star has won several events during the year (including European and World Championships) and reached an scoring record, with 49 points, during the 2017 IFBB season, that gave him the 15.000 € main cash prize.


1) Aristide Mbomni (Germany) 49 points 15.000 €
2) Angelo Ronquillo (Ecuador) 21 points 9.000 €
3) Eric Lompard (France) 20 points 5.000 €
4) Antonio Ludovico (Italy) 19 points 4.000 €
5) Sam Mikaelsson (Suecia) 18 points 3.000 €
6) Lukas Topinka (Czech Rep.) 17 points 2.500 €
7) Abuaglia Salem A. (Libya) 16 points 2.000 €
8) Yeongseok Kim (Korea) 15 points 1.500 €
9) M. Jafari Sartomi (Iran) 14 points 1.000 €
10) Hesam Khosravi L. (Iran) 14 points 750 €

Picture: IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja; with the winner of the Classic Bodybuilding World Ranking, Aristide Mbomni (Germany).

from Muscle and Bodybuilding


In a close battle for title with fantastic young irish Blessing Awodibu; the Finnish star Mika Sihvonen won the IFBB World Ranking Elite and made history, winning the first edition of this Circuit that has raised the amateur Bodybuilding to a new level, beside the main check valued in 15.000 euros.

Mika Sihvonen, who has been undefeated in Finland since his second competition and one of the most awarded athletes in Europe, won several titles during the year (as the Diamond Cup Portugal and Ben Weider Legacy Cup Lahti), reaching a total of 28 points. With his barely 80 kg, his main challenger has been the huge Blessing Awodibu (106 kg) who took in his hand to be the winner but, placing 2nd. in the World Championships, only reached 12 points; scoring a total of 26 points, not enough to defeat Sihvonen.

For 2018, both competitors could offer a new great battle, either in the World Ranking or in the Elite Pro Circuit as, for the moment, no one of them confirmed where they will continue with his sport careers.


1) Mika Sihvonen (Finland) 28 points 15.000 €
2) Blessing Awodibu (Ireland) 26 points 9.000 €
3) Dorj Gansukh (Mongolia) 23 points 5.000 €
4) Mahdi Heydari (Iran) 21 points 4.000 €
5) Mohsen Samadi (Iran) 21 points 3.000 €
6) Volodymyr Byruk (Ukraine) 21 points 2.500 €
7) Ben Abdellah A. (Algeria) 21 points 2.000 €
8) Zoheir Mihoubi (Algeria) 21 points 1.500 €
9) Usman Bathily (Spain) 18 points 1.000 €
10) Reza Rezaei (Iran) 18 points 750 €

Picture: Blessing Awodibu (2nd. place) and Mika Sihvonen (winner); main stars at the 2017 Bodybuilding World Ranking Gala.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

8 Epic Exercises and the Bodybuilding Legends They're Named After

Monday, November 6, 2017

Bodybuilding / powerlifting gym in Tucson?

In town for the week would like a legit spot for some deadlifts, bench, accessories.

submitted by /u/InLikeFlynnn
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Iranian bodybuilder Mobin Rostamian

Iranian bodybuilder Mobin Rostamian submitted by /u/rabbidredditor
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wesley Vissers here. Competitive bodybuilder and owner of Vintage Genetics

What's up guys. This is my first time on Reddit actually posting, but I've been watching this subreddit pretty much ever since I was mentioned on here. I truly appreciate the comments and I enjoy reading them.

I am the owner of Vintage Genetics: a classic bodybuilding brand. I post YouTube videos on my VintageGenetics channel and I sell gym, fitness and workout apparel on

My Instagram is: @WesleyVissers

Check them out if you're a fan of classic bodybuilding.

And of course, ask me anything. I'll be happy to answer. -Wesley

EDIT: Alright guys. Thank you for your very interesting and intriguing questions. I enjoyed answering them! I'm signing off for now as it's time for another meal and then sleep for my body to assimilate those golden gains. Don't forget to Stay Golden guys. -Wesley

submitted by /u/WesleyVissers
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding


by Andrew Michalak
photo: Igor Kopcek (
The Sunday program began with the opening ceremony, which included the Parade of Nations with 85 countries participated in. Not so easy to place all of them on the stage and around (only 1 delegate per country). IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja, opened these the biggest ever World Men’s Championships. And now we know that the next edition of this event will be held in Marbella, Spain, a city hosted a couple of the previous Olympia Amateur Spain editions.
85 countries participated in the Championships this year and 55 of them entered the best teams classification (earned 1 point at least, what means placed competitor(s) in the top 10 in any category).
The Men Bodybuilding categories were continued, started with the 85 kg category and 2 brilliant victories of Oman stars. First, 2016 World Championships runner-up Haitham Al-Zadjali (Oman) moved up to the top. A couple of minutes later his team-mate, Ahmed Al Harthi, won the 90 kg category, following his final places in 2013 and 2015. 2016 world champion, Hossein Kalateh (Iran) moved to the 95 kg category and also won the gold medal. The 100 kg category had its dramatic changes. 2015 world champion Szymon Lada (Poland) was a bit overlooked in the semifinals (6th position) but clearly moved up the top in both final rounds, regaining the “gold”. Semifinal leader, Mazaher Abarghani, dropped to 3rd place, with Spanish Carlos Blanco keeping his 2nd position.
2016 over 100 kg class bronze medal winner, Mohsen Samadi (Iran) was unbeatable this time and later on has done something much more difficult: won the overall title by 1 point over Haitham Al-Zadjali (Oman). His muscular body (118.3 kg) was really very impressive.
Men’s Physique categories
Up to 170 cm class: it was a e-match for the European Championships. This time the European bronze medal winner Nehdyar Ramadan (Netherlands) jumped to the top, pushing the European champion Kamran Elyasi down to the 2nd place.
Up to 173 cm class: all medals went to Asia but with no big changes: 2016 world champion, Shao Zhong Zheng (China) stays at the top and Shogo Sato (Japan) moved up from 3rd to 2nd place.
Up to 176 cm class: 2017 Arnold Classic Europe sensational winner, Dmytro Horobets (Ukraine) won the gold medal and it was not his final word, as he also dominated the overall category.
Up to 179 cm class: 2017 European champion, Waldemar Gustafsson-Ek (Sweden) won this class, 3 points ahead of the 2016 5th place winner Akbar Sarbaz of Iran.
Up to 182 cm class: sensational, unanimous win of a new Spanish star Pablo Ramis, who placed ahead of the 2017 European Championships bronze medal winner Mahmut Alan (Turkey).
Over 182 cm class: two medals for France: Thierry Bayala with gold and William Pluskota with bronze. They were separated by Atef Jendoubi from Tunisia.
In the overall, Dmytro Horobets (Ukraine) outpointed by 3 points Thierry Bayala (France) and by 4 points Waldemar Gustafsson-Ek (Sweden).
Muscular Men’s Physique
Twenty competitors and medals went to 3 continents: 2017 South American champion Briger Renteria (Colombia) received the best scores form the judges and won this class 4 points ahead of Ahmed Elhalawani (Egypt) who was tied with Alexis Autreau (France). The next three places also went to France! Amazing domination of the French stars in this category!

Let’s have a look what happened in each category.
Up to 85 kg category:
85 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 85 kg category world champion: Haitham AL-ZADJALI (Oman).

85 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 85 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Hamed EINI (2nd place); Haitham AL-ZADJALI (1st place); Abdel Kader BEN ABDELLA (3rd place).

85 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 85 kg category finalists (from L to R): Ott KIIVIKAS (6th place); Alberto ALONSO (4th place); Hamed EINI (2nd place); Haitham AL-ZADJALI (1st place); Abdel Kader BEN ABDELLA (3rd place); Zoheir MIHOUBI (5th place).

Up to 90 kg category:
90 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 90 kg category world champion: Ahmed AL HARTHI (Oman).

90 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 90 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Mahdi GHANAVATI (2nd place); Ahmed AL HARTHI (1st place); Vicente OLOMBRADA (3rd place).

90 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 90 kg category finalists (from L to R): Joan CANNEGIETER (6th place); Ralph DECELIS (4th place); Mahdi GHANAVATI (2nd place); Ahmed AL HARTHI (1st place); Vicente OLOMBRADA (3rd place); Nikolay KOSTADINOV (5th place).

Up to 95 kg category:
95 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 95 kg category world champion: Hossein KALATEH (Iran).

95 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 95 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Volodymyr BYRUK (2nd place); Hossein KALATEH (1st place); Peter TATARKA (3rd place).

95 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 95 kg category finalists (from L to R): Gerhard NEL (6th place); Morad ZAHIR (4th place); Volodymyr BYRUK (2nd place); Hossein KALATEH (1st place); Peter TATARKA (3rd place); Johnny AFOA (5th place).

Up to 100 kg category:
100 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 100 kg category world champion: Szymon LADA (Poland).

100 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 100 kg category medal winners (from L to R): ); Carlos BLANCO (2nd place); Szymon LADA (1st place); Mazaher ABARGHANI (3rd place).

100 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 100 kg category finalists (from L to R): Lorenzo LEEUWE (6th place); Pablo LLOPIS (4th place); Carlos BLANCO (2nd place); Szymon LADA (1st place); Mazaher ABARGHANI (3rd place); Karim ALI (5th place).

Over 100 kg category:
Over 100 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding over 100 kg category world champion: Mohsen SAMADI (Iran).

Over 100 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships over 100 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Blessing AWODIBU (2nd place); Mohsen SAMADI (1st place); Andrzej KOLODZIEJCZYK (3rd place).

Over 100 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships over 100 kg category finalists (from L to R): Adam KOZYRA (6th place); Théo LEGUERRIER (4th place); Blessing AWODIBU (2nd place); Mohsen SAMADI (1st place); Andrzej KOLODZIEJCZYK (3rd place); Maksim TRZIN (5th place).

Overall – 1: 2017 IFBB World Championships bodybuilding overall winner Mohsen SAMADI (Iran) congratulated by IFBB President Dr. Rafael SANTONJA (left) and Spanish Federation President as well as IFBB Executive, Jose RAMOS (right).

Overall – 2: 2017 IFBB World Championships bodybuilding overall winner Mohsen SAMADI (Iran) with Iranian Federation President, Mr. Nasser POURALIFARD.

Up to 170 cm category:
MPH 1: 2017 IFBB men’s physique up to 170 cm category world champion: Nehdyar RAMADAN (Netherlands).
MPH 2: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 170 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Kamran ELYASI (2nd place); Nehdyar RAMADAN (1st place); David RAMIREZ (3rd place).
MPH 3: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 170 cm category finalists (from L to R): Tuan NYUGEN (6th place); Ryo TERASHIMA (4th place); Kamran ELYASI (2nd place); Nehdyar RAMADAN (1st place); David RAMIREZ (3rd place); Yukihiro YUASA (5th place).
Up to 173 cm category:
MPH 4: 2017 IFBB men’s physique up to 173 cm category world champion: Shao Zhong ZHENG (China).
MPH 5: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 173 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Shogo SATO (2nd place); Shao Zhong ZHENG (1st place), Shantia LAKPOUR (3rd place).
MPH 6: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 173 cm category finalists (from L to R): Ke-Shen LIAN (6th place); Eduardo RAMIREZ (4th place); Shogo SATO (2nd place); Shao Zhong ZHENG (1st place), Shantia LAKPOUR (3rd place); Yasin SAHIN (5th place).
Up to 176 cm category:
MPH 7: 2017 IFBB men’s physique up to 176 cm category world champion: Dmytro HOROBETS (Ukraune).
MPH 8: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 176 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Jetmir GOQI (2nd place); Dmytro HOROBETS (1st place), Enrique GUTIERREZ (3rd place).
MPH 9: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 176 cm category finalists (from L to R): Alexander LADSTEN (6th place); Ryuichiro KOMURA (4th place); Jetmir GOQI (2nd place); Dmytro HOROBETS (1st place), Enrique GUTIERREZ (3rd place); Mickael PRETOT (5th place).
Up to 179 cm category:
MPH 10: 2017 IFBB men’s physique up to 179 cm category world champion: Waldemar GUSTAFSSON-EK (Sweden).
MPH 11: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 179 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Akbar SARBAZ (2nd place); Waldemar GUSTAFSSON-EK (1st place), Patrik HERCZÍK (3rd place).
MPH 12: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 179 cm category finalists (from L to R): Chao PENG (6th place); Piotr ZIELINSKI (4th place); Akbar SARBAZ (2nd place); Waldemar GUSTAFSSON-EK (1st place), Patrik HERCZÍK (3rd place); Edvard MUHANHA (5th place).

Up to 182 cm category:
MPH 14: 2017 IFBB men’s physique up to 182 cm category world champion: Pablo RAMIS (Spain).
MPH 15: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 182 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Mahmut ALAN (2nd place); Pablo RAMIS (1st place), Rocky KEWLEY (3rd place).
MPH 16: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique up to 182 cm category finalists (from L to R): Majdi BEN KHALIFA (6th place); Rebwar SOHRABI (4th place); Mahmut ALAN (2nd place); Pablo RAMIS (1st place), Rocky KEWLEY (3rd place); Mateusz DUDA (5th place).

Over 182 cm category:
MPH 17: 2017 IFBB men’s physique over 182 cm category world champion: Thierry BAYALA (France).
MPH 18: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique over 182 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Atef JENDOUBI (2nd place); Thierry BAYALA (1st place), William PLUSKOTA (3rd place).
MPH 19: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique over 182 cm category finalists (from L to R): Lukas GALDIKAS (6th place); Srboslav LAZIC (4th place); Atef JENDOUBI (2nd place); Thierry BAYALA (1st place), William PLUSKOTA (3rd place); Mohamed FERJANI (5th place).
MPH 20: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique overall winner Dmytro HOROBETS (Ukraine) awarded by the
MPH 21: 2017 IFBB World Championships men’s physique overall winner: Dmytro HOROBETS (Ukraine).
MPH 22: Men’s physique overall winner: Dmytro HOROBETS (Ukraine).

MPH 23: 2017 IFBB muscular men’s physique open category world champion: Briger RENTERIA (Colombia).
MPH 24: 2017 IFBB World Championships muscular men’s physique open category medal winners (from L to R): Ahmed EL HALAWANI (2nd place); Briger RENTERIA (1st place), Alexis AUTREAU (3rd place).
MPH 25: 2017 IFBB World Championships muscular men’s physique open category finalists (from L to R): Gregory LAC (6th place); Maxime RATIER (4th place); Ahmed EL HALAWANI (2nd place); Briger RENTERIA (1st place), Alexis AUTREAU (3rd place); Maxime VILATTE (5th place).

Teams 1: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships best teams awards (from L): Republic of Korea (2nd place); Iran (1st place); Spain (3rd place).
Teams 2: Iranian Federation President Naser POUR ALIFARD with the Best Team Trophy.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

The inspirational story of Army veteran and amateur bodybuilder Randy Lloyd

Like a lot of former soldiers, Randy Lloyd came home from war with injuries. Some were physical—back pain from a year-long tour in Iraq as part of an Army Reserves unit out of Ogden, UT. The more serious wounds, though, were mental and emotional.

When Lloyd’s service ended in 2010, doctors prescribed opioids for his pain. But while attending college, he started taking more medication to deal with the pressures of school and a case of post-traumatic stress disorder. Soon, Lloyd was addicted to prescription drugs. Then, heroin. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon trajectory for former soldiers: According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, more than two out of 10 veterans who suffer from PTSD also experience substance abuse disorder.


“You never grow up thinking you’re going to be an intravenous drug user,” Lloyd says. “But when you’re constantly trying to comfort yourself, you start to justify everything.”

After dropping out of college, Lloyd hit rock bottom in 2012 when he had to be revived by paramedics in a grocery store parking lot after overdosing on a combination of heroin and cocaine. After that, Lloyd checked into a nine-week Veterans Affairs rehab center. He got clean, moved to Las Vegas, and became a GNC store manager. Then, last year, while working at the Olympia Expo, he heard about FitOps Foundation—an all-expenses-paid training and certification program for veterans who want to become elite personal trainers, powered by the Performix brand. Lloyd was accepted into its inaugural class, and the experience was a life-changing event. “When I got accepted, I came home and I started crying,” Lloyd says. “I knew I was on the right path.”

But FitOps didn’t just help Lloyd improve other people’s physiques; it also positively impacted his own. Entering the program at a soft 225lbs, the 5'6" Lloyd cut down to a ripped 176lbs to compete in last spring’s NPC Southeast Texas Championships bodybuilding show. He took second in his class, and has plans to step back onstage this spring. Ultimately, Lloyd’s goal is to become an IFBB pro like his FitOps mentor, Marine Xavisus Gayden. “This past year has been one of the most amazing years of my life,” Lloyd says. “And it’s due to FitOps.”


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Which Is Right for You: Free Weights or Bodyweight?

Instead of debating whether free-weights or calisthenics reigns supreme, first, identify your training goal.


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Girl with Muscles | Beast Girl Hulda Lopez Body Posing and Workout

Girl with Muscles | Beast Girl Hulda Lopez Body Posing and Workout submitted by /u/aybrb2u
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Up to 65 kg category:

65 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 65 kg category world champion: Kyeongmo PARK (Korea).

65 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 65 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Sungwon KANG (2nd place); Kyeongmo PARK (1st place); Omar WAEL (3rd place).

65 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 65 kg category finalists (from L to R): Alfred VANDA (6th place); Ali ABDULRASOL (4th place); Sungwon KANG (2nd place); Kyeongmo PARK (1st place); Omar WAEL (3rd place); Jun MA (5th place).

Up to 70 kg category:

70 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 70 kg category world champion: Mahdi HEYDARI (Iran).

70 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 70 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Jaekoon YOON (2nd place); Mahdi HEYDARI (1st place); Tapi MVELISO (3rd place).

70 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 70 kg category finalists (from L to R): Santos ALDERINO (6th place); Joel Carlos SCHEEK (4th place); Jaekoon YOON (2nd place); Mahdi HEYDARI (1st place); Tapi MVELISO (3rd place); Wooseok KANG (5th place).

Up to 75 kg category:

75 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 75 kg category world champion: Kyoungyun NAM (Korea).

75 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 75 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Abdullah AL-JABRI (2nd place); Kyoungyun NAM (1st place); Micjhel PEREZ (3rd place).

75 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 75 kg category finalists (from L to R): Edgaras GLADAS (6th place); Omid GHAHROUDI (4th place); Abdullah AL-JABRI (2nd place); Kyoungyun NAM (1st place); Micjhel PEREZ (3rd place); Junhyuk BOO (5th place).

Up to 80 kg category:

80 kg – 1: 2017 IFBB Bodybuilding up to 80 kg category world champion: Seonghwan KIM (Korea).

80 kg – 2: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 80 kg category medal winners (from L to R): Davood NIARAGH (2nd place); Seonghwan KIM (1st place); Injung PARK (3rd place).

80 kg – 3: 2017 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships up to 80 kg category finalists (from L to R): Vasif FITOZ (6th place); Masashi SUZUKI (4th place); Davood NIARAGH (2nd place); Seonghwan KIM (1st place); Injung PARK (3rd place); Omar GHAFARI (5th place).

from Muscle and Bodybuilding


by Andrew Michalak
photo: Igor Kopcek (
The first day of this year’s World Bodybuilding Championships were mainly devoted to Games Classic Bodybuilding and Classic Bodybuilding (all categories), with addition of the first 4 bodybuilding categories. The venue – marvelous Benidorm Palace – hosted the World Bodybuilding Championships for the 3rd time. It is located between the Deloix Hotel and the Melia Hotel, in which the participants are accommodated, so there was no problem with the transport.
Classic Bodybuilding was born in Europe 11 years ago, with the first World Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic in 2006, so it was their 12th edition. Games Classic Bodybuilding was added in 2016. Traditional Bodybuilding has a much longer history as the 71st edition is celebrated in Benidorm this year.
Games Classic Bodybuilding had its unbeatable leader, Aristide Mbomni from Germany, who won the 175 cm class as well as the overall title and… one more gold medal in Classic Bodybuilding first category, up to 168 cm.
In Classic Bodybuilding Iran won 2 gold medals. The rest went to Germany, Spain and Korea, with the overall winner Jehung Ryu from Korea. He regained the title first won in 2012. His team-mate, three-time world champion Kikwan Seol, lost the title in 168 cm class being tied 23:23 with the winner Aristide Mbomni. It was his 6th participation in the World Championships and he never finished lower than 2nd!
2016 world champion in the over 180 cm category, Hesam Larijani from Iran, won his second gold medal. His team-mate Mohammadreza Sartomi moved from his 3rd place last year up to the top in the 180 cm class. And we saw the great comeback of the Spanish star Jesus Rodal, who won the 171 cm category.
The first four Bodybuilding categories were dominated by the Korean stars, who won 3 gold medals. Kyeongmo Park (65 kg class) and Kyoungyun Nam (75 kg class) regained titles won last year, Seonghwan Kim (80 kg class) dethroned Masashi Suzuki (Japan) moving up to the top after his silver medal last year. The other 2016 world champion Mahdi Heydari (Iran, 70 kg category) also regained the title, so these World Championships are lucky for the last year champions.
The first day it was a match Korea vs. Iran, with Korea winning 11 medals (4 gold, 5 silver, 2 bronze) and Iran winning 4 medals (3 gold, 1 silver). To be continued on Sunday.


Up to 175 cm category

Games 1: 2017 IFBB Games Classic Bodybuilding up to 175 cm category world champion: Aristide MBOMNI (Germany).

Games 2: 2017 IFBB World Games Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 175 cm category medal winners (from L to R): (4th place); Tomas SMREK (2nd place); Aristide MBOMNI (1st place); Kiho MUN (3rd place); (Brazil).

Games 3: 2017 IFBB World Games Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 175 cm category finalists (from L to R): Erik HALASKA (4th place); Tomas SMREK (2nd place); Aristide MBOMNI (1st place); Kiho MUN (3rd place); Juscelino SANTOS (5th place).

Over 175 cm category

Games 4: 2017 IFBB Games Classic Bodybuilding over 175 cm category world champion: Michal ZAUKOLEC (Slovakia).

Games 5: 2017 IFBB World Games Classic Bodybuilding Championships over 175 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Myeongho PARK (2nd place); Michal ZAUKOLEC (1st place); Jan PALENÍCEK (3rd place).

Games 6: 2017 IFBB World Games Classic Bodybuilding Championships over 175 cm category finalists (from L to R): Ziyaad MARTIN (6th place); Reno BANKS (4th place); Myeongho PARK (2nd place); Michal ZAUKOLEC (1st place); Jan PALENÍCEK (3rd place); Martin ZILIAK (5th place).

Games 7: 2017 IFBB World Games Classic Bodybuilding Championships overall winner Aristide MBOMNI (Germany), congratulated by the officials.

Games 8: 2017 IFBB World Games Classic Bodybuilding Championships overall winner Aristide MBOMNI (Germany).


Up to 168 cm category

168 cm – 1: 2017 IFBB Classic Bodybuilding up to 168 cm category world champion: Aristide MBOMNI (Germany).

168 cm – 2: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 168 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Kikwan SEOL (2nd place); Aristide MBOMNI (1st place); Francisco MOYANO (3rd place).

168 cm – 3: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 168 cm category finalists (from L to R): Yeongseok KIM (6th place); Kohei WATANABE (4th place); Kikwan SEOL (2nd place); Aristide MBOMNI (1st place); Francisco MOYANO (3rd place); Xu DEMIN (5th place).

Up to 171 cm category

171 cm – 1: 2017 IFBB Classic Bodybuilding up to 171 cm category world champion: Jesus RODAL (Spain).

171 cm – 2: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 171 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Burak EKIT (2nd place); Jesus RODAL (1st place); Alejandro ZITTA (3rd place).

171 cm – 3: 2015 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 171 cm category finalists (from L to R): Zhao ZHANGLEI (6th place); Lukas TOPINKA (4th place); Burak EKIT (2nd place); Jesus RODAL (1st place); Alejandro ZITTA (3rd place); Feng HE (5th place).

Up to 175 cm category

175 cm – 1: 2017 IFBB Classic Bodybuilding up to 175 cm category world champion: Jehyung RYU (Korea).

175 cm – 2: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 175 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Jiri KOCVARA (2nd place); Jehyung RYU (1st place); Abuaglia ABURAS (3rd place);

175 cm – 3: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 175 cm category finalists (from L to R): Hugo YANAGIHARA (6th place); Lukas TOPINKA (4th place); Jiri KOCVARA (2nd place); Jehyung RYU (1st place); Abuaglia ABURAS (3rd place); Wu Yong HAO (5th place).

Up to 180 cm category

180 cm – 1: 2017 IFBB Classic Bodybuilding up to 180 cm category world champion: Mohammadreza SARTOMI (Iran).

180 cm – 2: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 180 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Juhoon LEE (2nd place); Mohammadreza SARTOMI (1st place); Patryk JASKIEWICZ (3rd place).

180 cm – 3: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships up to 180 cm category finalists (from L to R): Reno BANKS (6th place); Jakub VILIMEK (4th place); Juhoon LEE (2nd place); Mohammadreza SARTOMI (1st place); Patryk JASKIEWICZ (3rd place); Sajad CHEGENI (5th place).

Over 180 cm category

Over 180 cm – 1: 2017 IFBB Classic Bodybuilding over 180 cm category world champion: Hesam LARIJANI (Iran).

Over 180 cm – 2: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships over 180 cm category medal winners (from L to R): Sam MIKAELSSON (2nd place); Hesam LARIJANI (1st place); Jasim MARHOON (3rd place).

Over 180 cm – 3: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships over 180 cm category finalists (from L to R): Mateusz KOLKOWSKI (6th place); Eric LOMPARD (4th place); Sam MIKAELSSON (2nd place); Hesam LARIJANI (1st place); Jasim MARHOON (3rd place); Jose PEREZ (5th place).

Classic Bodybuilding Overall:

1 Jehyung RYU Korea 9
2 Hesam LARIJANI Iran 11
3 Mohammadreza SARTOMI Iran 15
4 Jesus RODAL Spain 20
5 Aristide MBOMNI Germany 21

CBB overall – 1: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships overall winner Jehyung RYU of Korea congratulated by the IFBB officials.

CBB overall – 2: 2017 IFBB World Classic Bodybuilding Championships overall winner Jehyung RYU (Rep. of Korea).

CBB overall – 3: Overall winner Jehyung RYU (Rep. of Korea).

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

How do bodybuilders maintain such clear skin?

Considering the steroid use, sweaty gym activity, ect. They always seem to have flawless skin.

submitted by /u/Czar-777
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Who has the most punchable face in the Bodybuilding/Fitness industry in your opinion and why?

submitted by /u/brojob_brojob
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

A big Thanks to /r/Bodybuilding

A few years back I posted about the passing of my father It really helped to deal with the emotional aftermath. When I'd have a rough day I'd come back and check out what people had said and it always lifted my spirits. I just wanted to thank you all for the support and say this is the best community on reddit. So thanks everyone!

submitted by /u/Jneebs
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Wesley Vissers gives a shout out to the r/Bodybuilding AMA

Wesley Vissers gives a shout out to the r/Bodybuilding AMA submitted by /u/The_SaltLife
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Friday, November 3, 2017

Vegan bodybuilding

What are the best and easy to digest vegan protein powder?

submitted by /u/idiotsandwichali
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Trying to get to around 7% body fat. Any help or suggestions?

I'm 6'3 a little over 190 pounds. I've been reading up and it seems that intermittent fasting is the way to go, eating about 2100 calories of protein, carbs, and fats, and train and HIIT during the fast. Anyone else have corrections or meal ideas? That's a lot of chicken and eggs.

submitted by /u/Doughnut4
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Why does every IG Fitness celebrity in Bodybuilding have their own line of apparel? Is it really just that easy to opening a line of clothing?

And I have yet to find anyone keen on buying names like:

  • Golden Aesthetics
  • Browear
  • Muscle Club
submitted by /u/ayjayred
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

How elaborate taking photos is for an IG Fitness/Bodybuilding Celebrity. Your regular cellphones don't stand a chance.

How elaborate taking photos is for an IG Fitness/Bodybuilding Celebrity. Your regular cellphones don't stand a chance. submitted by /u/brojob_brojob
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is the closest thing I can think of to grinding in an RPG

With other activities, it requires constant refinement of skill, technique, and new knowledge. While you need that (form and all that) to start bodybuilding and not get injured, once you get into it it’s just moving around heavy things. This allows you to move heavier things, which allows you to move even heavier things.

I can’t think of any other activity that works so similarly to RPG grinding.

submitted by /u/JoseDzirehChong
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding


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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

/r/bodybuilding Secret Santa sign-up

Hello, everyone.

I posed the question of who might be interested in a Secret Santa in the DD and it seems that there was a good deal of interest. I thought getting an early start on it would be a good idea depending on how many people wanted to do it/I'm sure a lot of people will procrastinate. Below is a link to a survey with information needed regarding Secret Santa. I intend to pair up two people and will direct message them regarding who they have.

I think this will be fun and on Christmas day we can have a thread where people post their pics opening their presents and their Secret Santa can comment on the person they had.

Feel free to fill it out until 11/20 (November 20) at which point I'll close it and begin pairing people up, giving you a month to buy a gift and send it and enough time for me to pair people up. Mods, appreciate if you could pin this on the front page so we can get as many people as we can.

I will NOT be sharing any of this information with a third party or anything like that. This is strictly for Secret Santa. If anyone has concerns with privacy, I would be happy to pass this off to the mods and have them take care of it/run the secret santa. The only person seeing your info will be your Secret Santa.

As for people outside the U.S., I encourage you to still sign up as their may be others from your country in which case I will pair you up.

Only sign up if you truly intend to participate. No one is going to be happy if you receive a gift but don't send anything.

Tagging mods so they see this:





edit #1: 3 hours in and we have 20 signed up! let's keep em comin'

submitted by /u/pizzafan32
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Which Is Right for You: Free Weights or Bodyweight?

Instead of debating whether free-weights or calisthenics reigns supreme, first, identify your training goal.


read more

from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Snacks: Guacamole Deviled Eggs Recipe

Guacamole Deviled Eggs
The Picture Pantry / Getty
Place eggs in a saucepan, and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil, and immediately remove from heat. Cover, and let eggs stand in hot water for 10-12 minutes. Remove from water, cool, and peel.
Slice eggs in half, remove yokes, and transfer them to a small mixing bowl. Combine the avocado, cilantro, green onion, and jalapeno with the yokes. Stir in lime juice, and season with salt, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and mustard.
Mix well, and fill empty egg white halves. Chill until ready to serve. Just before serving, sprinkle with paprika.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding