Wednesday, July 4, 2018

CMV: There's no point to bodybuilding if you don't have proper frame.

Frame is everything. A skinny person with good frame can look better than a guy with shit frame who's been busting his ass for 30 years lifting.

If you have a wide rib cage, your shoulders sit farther out and give you much better width. On top of this, if you're pelvis is narrow, this makes you look even wider.

The most appealing part of the physique is that ratio. You will never have that good of a ratio if you don't have the frame...unless you take steroids, even then it won't look as nice.

I'm venting right now because I'm realizing that all the work I put in the gym is fruitless. I still look like shit. I see teenagers who just started lifting a week ago and they look good because of their frame.

submitted by /u/SupremeMystique
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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