Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to build my body with Degenerative Disc Disease

Hello everyone,

I am 22 years old. 5'11", 200 lbs. 12% body fat.

I got diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease in my Thoracic area about 10 months ago. I got MRI's, Xrays, all kinds of stuff done and showed the results to three doctors. All said the same thing.

I have constant discomfort in my upper spine area. It feels like the bones are touching, the discomfort is felt mostly at the left side, right between my shoulder blades.

After being diagnosed, I kept on training heavily (supersets, dropsets, negative sets) and I had discomfort but it wasn't to the point where I didn't want to work out.

I haven't been lifting weights since the last two months. I worked my whole body with a 5 day split about three weeks ago and I was in agonizing pain for a week. I started doing yoga about 10 days ago, I have been doing it every day.

I am thinking of swimming but my shoulder was dislocated a few years ago. I also got MRI's of my shoulder and it requires surgery.

When I apply pressure at a certain angle, my shoulder feels as if it's going to go out.

I have been looking into EMS and resistance band training. I will start swimming breast stroke very soon (that puts minimal pressure on the shoulder), but I am looking for more suggestions.

What should I do to keep myself fit and mentally stable? I'm getting smaller by day, and I cannot work out. It has a big impact on my mental health.

Thanks a lot.

submitted by /u/inscnmya
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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