Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Frankenstein bodybuilder

put together a frankenstein bodybuilder with your favorite parts of bodybuilders.

Example: Colemans torso with Kais Lats and Platz Legs.

submitted by /u/tostrife
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2DcwbIy

Link to the raw data (.csv Dropbox file) of the /r/bodybuilding survey

This post is for anyone who wants to analyze the survey data and do some visualizations with it. Sorry for the delay, I had originally sent this as a private message to certain people but I didn't realize it got caught in a spam filter.

Tagging: /u/Retonic /u/tyson_kooper /u/spiciernuggets /u/annualghost /u/mikealgaryscott /u/PLxFTW

I'm tagging you here because you expressed some interest in doing analysis on the survey results. If you have time, do you think you could analyze the data and send me any visualizations or insights you come up with? I’m going to compile all of that in one post and I’ll credit you

You can find a csv of the data in this Dropbox: http://bit.ly/2RTJm5q

I'm not looking for anything in particular, but this might be a good start:

  • general visualizations about the stats of subscribers (gender, age, height, BMI, years subscribed, length of time working out, etc.)
  • info about bodybuilding specifically (how many people have competed in a bodybuilding competition and who they are, which type of person uses PEDs)
  • how people train and diet (how strong is everyone?, what training methods do they use, how frequently do they train, what dieting methods do they use)
submitted by /u/EatLiftLifeRepeat
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qlFDkx

Monday, October 29, 2018

Paige Hathaway's Fat-Burning Bodyweight Circuit

Social media superstar Paige Hathaway takes you through her favorite bodyweight moves to train the whole body.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding https://bbcom.me/2CM8KVy

Paige Hathaway's Fat-Burning Bodyweight Circuit

Social media superstar Paige Hathaway takes you through her favorite bodyweight moves to train the whole body.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding https://bbcom.me/2CM8KVy

Now we have hit 500,000 , what got you into bodybuilding?

I found bodybuilding in a rough time in my life and it helped me come out of it a better person. Id love to hear your guys stories

submitted by /u/tommycardwell960
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2qhOkMy

Photo of the late KK hitting a side chest a bodybuilding show when he was young.

Photo of the late KK hitting a side chest a bodybuilding show when he was young. submitted by /u/PowerliftingMolester
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2CK2j5c

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Could Eddie Hall become a bodybuilder?

Could Eddie Hall become a bodybuilder? submitted by /u/jeankjean
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2Sp99Cz

Is there anything I can do to fix a fully overdeveloped asymmetrical right side of the body?

Is there anything I can do to fix it? I don't know where else to ask this but basically it's been causing me nosebleeds for years, muscle asymmetry and it's making me really down and I have no idea where to turn.

I had lasik surgery, my right eye was better than my left, I can only breathe out of my right nostril, I can breathe maybe 10% out of my left so as a result and I get nosebleeds everyday in my right. Every muscle on my right side can do heavier weights at the gym and do more reps, is more defined. I try doing workouts more on just my leftside with dumbbells but it doesn't matter. My right pec is even higher than my left making one nipple about a full inch and a half higher after a few weeks at the gym and I'm getting made fun of for it by family, my facial hair isn't even symmetrical.

I've had anxiety and depression and I'd assume it's due to a dominate right brain and a lagging left brain causing a chemical imbalance. I'm a 22 year old male, 6' 173 lb

submitted by /u/OneDayIllOwnALambo
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2z7xXWY

Friday, October 26, 2018

Has anyone ever told you you're gay for watching bodybuilding competitions?, if so whats the best response?

submitted by /u/Aeran1
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2Atzvwh

Concern and question about bodybuilding food consumption.

6'3" 170 lbs Mostly lean muscular body.

Wanted to get into weight lifting so I did. I noticed I have had to eat an absolutely ridiculous amount of food. Ive done research and eat primarily good carbs and protein. But Is this normal? Is there a way to lower the amount of food I consume but still be able to gain strength and physique? I'm almost considering slowing down amount lifting just so my body will be content with less food intake.

submitted by /u/Swalsh17
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2z3dBye

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Will I lose much muscle doing lots of running while I’m doing body building exercises?

I’m currently trying to bulk up and look cut but I’ve got some fat to lose I’m currently on a high protein low carb diet doing 6-9 hours a week in body building and wondering if I should start jogging to lose the fat?

submitted by /u/Randomstarwarsfan
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2PXOvYS

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

WATCH: Chris Bumstead Trains Shoulders with Teen Bodybuilder

The classic physique shares his top tips with teen contest winner.

It's not easy to hold your own when you're training with IFBB bodybuilding pro and MHP athlete Chris Bumstead (especially when he's casually pressing 120-lb. dummbells), but teen bodybuilder contest winner Trevor Behney stepped up to the challange. Watch the two competitiors as they take on a gruelling shoulder workout and share stories about what made them get into workoing out. Plus get firsthand advice about training and the best moves to get Chris's massive shoulders from Chris himself. 

Get more training tips from Physique Phenom Chris Bumstead >>

JW Player ID: 

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2Aqyvck

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Gigantic Bodybuilder Martyn Ford Is About to Try His Hand at MMA

8 Popular Bodybuilders That Never Won Mr. Olympia

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2SaU6MG

If you magically removed all the fat from a 600 lbs obese person, would they look like a bodybuilder?

They must have a lot of muscles to move right, so would they look like a bodybuilder if all fat (down to 4% BF) was magically removed? My prediction is that the midsection will look way off due to the visceral fat they have been carrying, and the proportions will look weird, but otherwise they will be very muscular.
EDIT: Also loose skin would be magically removed.

submitted by /u/surgery_surgery
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2R8YQkK

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Is there a way to legally go full in for a bodybuilding carrier which involves steroid use and lifestyle which invloves pushing my body to the ultimate limit in order to become the best?

As the title says.

It’s been my life since I was 14 and I’m soon 18. I feel that if I’m ever going to compete on a stage with the best in 10 years I need to do something soon.

I’ve been so close to do steroids several times but the only thing holding me back is what my family are going to say. I don’t give a fuck about what other’s think I’m aiming for but I don’t want to go in with everything knowing that my family think that I’m doing a bad thing.

I read about Arnold for a couple of years ago, when he mentioned that he’s father had been a police officer all his life and that he wanted arnold to do the same. He chose to go all in for bodybuilding which is a thing many can’t do and especially with doubt from the nearest. Hou can clearly see where he is noe and how far he has come. I’m in the same spot just that I would like if there today is a way you could join something to get myself up there.

I’m pretty aware that what bodybuilders do is against the law with steroids, and many straight up lies about it which I think is hard to do if I know that everyone will notice that it’s gonna go quick to build a physique from something not bad at steroids on 18 to 20 years of age with 2 years of cycles and intensive training.

If you get wha I mean please help me out, someone must know a way. Like what about school and law... all that

submitted by /u/Bensonion
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2AkGuYm

Powerlifters Need Bodybuilding

It can be hard to accept, or incorporate, ideas from another area when your current group is grounded upon certain principles.

When it comes to those of us who strength train, we often choose a camp to stick our flag in—it is never just strength training. We often label ourselves as either: a powerlifter, a bodybuilder, a Crossfitter, or an Olympic lifter. For powerlifters who want to be successful, you need to be, at least, bi-partisan when it comes to these camps. If you’re a powerlifter who wants to get to the top of their potential then you absolutely need to take a course in bodybuilding.


read more

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2Cv8JFh

Friday, October 19, 2018

Can someone explain how Zyzz was able to avoid nasty veins everywhere at such a low body-fat% ?

Can someone explain how Zyzz was able to avoid nasty veins everywhere at such a low body-fat% ? submitted by /u/KhalilYousuf3
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2Ox050h

7 Ways to Crush Your Bodybuilding Competition

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2AjhXmq

10 Bodybuilders You Need to Follow on Instagram

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2PKbC8T

How is exercise healthy for you when your body is screaming not to do it, ie if you feel like crap and are depressed and exhausted and can barely move - isn't then massive amounts of sedentary stillness and rest healthier and better - listening to your body?

I almost never feel like exercising or doing all this crazy sh!t, I'm usually very tired and stressed out. I eat super healthy. I don't see how adding a bunch of pounds of weights on my back is going to help improve my health when I am barely struggling to get through basic day-to-day tasks, make sense? I lay around a lot because I am so tired and feel like crap and dull. But people tell me" You've gotta exercise" DUDE, for me to get up right now and go run 10 miles or even 1 or start doing squats, it just seems ridiculous and harmful and even more damaging and stressful.

Honestly it feels like it's adding more stress, killing me, and causing hair loss. Serious. I've actually seen my hair get thinner and recede more after intense weight sessions, changing nothing else in my routine and diet. Like it's just adding too much stress, so, I wanna be buff and strong and lean, but, the training seems to be killing me faster, so, wtf, uhh....

Is seems like sitting in meditation or something or laying down in bed for 4 hours would be a better option at this point for healing and gaining strength? Oh and I noticed after exercising I would feel even more depressed and anxious irritable and tired for so many days after, and of course sore. It just seems like it is adding all this stress on my plate for my body, which is bad. Can anyone give any feedback here?!!

ALSO Some say it releases endorphins for pleasure that cut pain receptors but aren't these purpose to get us through a survival intense temporary fight? Adrenaline-crazed warriors DO NOT drop quickly, ask anyone in the military they can charge you and take like 3 bullets before they know they're hit. It's common in the military or boxing or MMA after hyper vigilance fighting others they literally pass out from exhaustion from all the burned adrenaline and cortisol the next day, this just doesn't sound healthy long term: numbing body signals and pain so you can fight better? I find myself super fucked up after exercising, even gently, so I'm like, isn't meditation or lots of bed rest the better move to strengthen my baseline? Vs getting depression and diarrhea the next day from being so nervous and stressed from all the added weights and body movements....

TLDR: I feel like shit and overwhelmed by life. How is adding 300 lbs on my back or going out running and panting going to make my life easier and me feel better when my body is screaming at me to lay down and rest and I am super tired most of the time?

submitted by /u/A1d4n_18
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2PcGj9Y

Powerlifters Need Bodybuilding

It can be hard to accept, or incorporate, ideas from another area when your current group is grounded upon certain principles.

When it comes to those of us who strength train, we often choose a camp to stick our flag in—it is never just strength training. We often label ourselves as either: a powerlifter, a bodybuilder, a Crossfitter, or an Olympic lifter. For powerlifters who want to be successful, you need to be, at least, bi-partisan when it comes to these camps. If you’re a powerlifter who wants to get to the top of their potential then you absolutely need to take a course in bodybuilding.


read more

from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2PJkPhY

Strongman Eugen Sandow. In then late 1800s He was considered the man with the world’s most perfect body

Strongman Eugen Sandow. In then late 1800s He was considered the man with the world’s most perfect body submitted by /u/Jneebs
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2NMIaxf

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Bodybuilder and actor Steve Reeves with an unknown woman on the beach sometime in the 1950s, I believe

Bodybuilder and actor Steve Reeves with an unknown woman on the beach sometime in the 1950s, I believe submitted by /u/gknights
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2EnVYyZ


The Dominican athlete, Agustín Frías, who, representing his country, comes from being crowned runner-up of the Arnold Classic Europe 2018, and he will be at the Bodybuilding and Fitness Santo Domingo Open, that will be celebrated 12-14 of October in the Theatre La Fiesta, of the Jaragua Hotel, in the Dominican capital.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2RUhoX5

How do I transform a body like this? (16M/5’3/97 Lbs)

How do I transform a body like this? (16M/5’3/97 Lbs) submitted by /u/NegativeCollision
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2QV0lmA

Monday, October 15, 2018

Why do some bodybuilders eat so much more protein than the scientifically recommended amount?

I constantly see the recommendation of eating 0.68-1.0 g/lbm (might not be those exact numbers, but around there). They are always scientifically cited with studies claimed to be done on trained and/or bodybuilding participants. If that is indeed the proven number need to build muscle then why do some bodybuilders, like phil heath or jay cutler, eat like 400+ grams of protein a day. Something doesn't add up.

submitted by /u/parmet00
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2J0Tu8j

Why do so many bodybuilders go for the 12-15 range?

I always read that the best rep range for hypertrophy is 8-12 reps, why is it that so many bodybuilders always go for the 12-15 rep count?

submitted by /u/jiggyciggy
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2yIZT3a

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Who is a good natural bodybuilder that gives advice on youtube?

All the guys I'm watching look like they take roids / clen / whatever else to stay in the shape they're in.

I'm just about to be finished with 2 years of cutting weight and I'm almost ready to start bilking, I need advice on bulk / cut cycles from someone who doesn't use hard drugs so I don't waste time overeating/ bulking too slowly before going back to cutting and losing the muscle.

Is there anyone who gets tested and is known for sure to be clean that also makes good youtube content?

submitted by /u/HapJak
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2yAMTg4

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I am afraid my body fat is too high for my health. Can you help?

5"8 Male 19 years old 140 lb


Obesity for males is 25% body fat.

What is my body fat percentage?

submitted by /u/flashbros61
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2CAtost

Arnold Schwarzenegger's first bodybuilding competition at the age of 16 in 1963

Arnold Schwarzenegger's first bodybuilding competition at the age of 16 in 1963 submitted by /u/gknights
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2pKpgxx

Top Posing Routines in Bodybuilding History

Top Posing Routines in Bodybuilding History submitted by /u/Achernari
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2IRXtUR

Is Dexter Jackson the most overrated bodybuilder of all time?

Title says it all. One thing I cannot seem to understand is how Dexter manages to win so many shows over bigger and better guys like Roelly or Ramy.

Case in point, Arnold Europe 2016. Dexter manages to win against Ramy despite losing in literally all 8 mandatory poses. (Seriously just look) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB_yXoXqT-g

Next off we have the 2016 New York Pro, where Dexter beats Roelly for the win after losing 7/8 mandatories and winning the back double biceps. (Could possibly win Side Chest depending on preference, but this is ridiculous.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udohB-EWE5Q

Even now in the Olympia he's still managing to do well even though his waist is uglier and wider than ever, spilling over his trunks with that weird oval shape. How he managed to beat Curry last year is beyond me and I'm glad he slipped down so far in placings. One main point people like to bring up is that he brings great conditioning every year and is "Aesthetic". The way I see it the last year he was actually aesthetic was 2011. After that he just went downhill and every year he looked worse and worse. Yet people still parade this man around like the last bastion of conditioning and lines even though his conditioning was average or even subpar for 90's standards. (Levrone's conditioning vs Dexter in 2016)

So, is Dexter Jackson incredibly overrated or am I just biased?

submitted by /u/LXyion
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2OVTOLb

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Supplementing lower body muscle building: Incline treadmill vs stair-climber vs cycling machine.

Which do you prefer or think works best to supplement extra development in quads, hamstrings, calves (still doing exercises, of course)? Maybe a mix? How do they compare in terms of affecting the knee joint?

submitted by /u/dirtymikenthaboyz
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2zXva4l

Roland Cziurlok @ 1995 NOC with possibly the best Most Muscular in the history of bodybuilding

Roland Cziurlok @ 1995 NOC with possibly the best Most Muscular in the history of bodybuilding submitted by /u/rorocwalker
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2C1V7RF

Are Indian genetics truly terrible for bodybuilding?

I am punjabi myself (age 17) but born and raised in Canada and always thought I had decent genetics for muscle building and have good insertions, wide shoulders and small waist, with my weak point being my nonexistent delt definition. But recently I hear a lot about how Indian's have the worst genetics for pro bodybuilding and overall muscle building. I grew up never eating Indian food which I see a lot of people blaming. Are indian genetics the worst for bodybuilding or is it more of a country/diet/knowledge thing?

submitted by /u/Tannyboi17
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2QyWHhR

The state of judging in current Bodybuilding shows.

A youtuber by the name of Tomn8er made a video discussing why he thinks the current judging criteria is flawed, and i think he made some fantastic points.

Judging shows only on the basis of who won the most mandatorys is an inherently problematic method of judging. It allows Bodybuilders with MASSIVE flaws to get away with it by just playing to their strengths & ignoring their weaknesses. This moves bodybuilding away from "The most COMPLETE bodybuilder should win", which has always been considered the standard rule of bodybuilding.

Dorian Yates explained it best, he said something along the lines of: It didn't matter if my front double bicep was the worst in the whole line up, because i knew i'd win the other poses anyways. It was a calculated decision. I didn't NEED to have good biceps from the front to win, so i didn't.


This is the mentality that's ultimately lead to the bubble guts we see everywhere today. I think it's undeniable that all of Phil Heaths front poses have barely been top 6 worthy, let alone worthy of 1st place, but he gets 1st place anyways because he wins the majority of poses.

Compare this to the era of Frank Zane, where Zane won because ALL of his mandatories were worthy of being top 3, even if he didn't dominate any specific pose (aside from arguably abs & thighs).

Frank Zane won because the judging criteria allowed the most complete bodybuilder to win. Someone who placed well with each & every one of his mandatory poses, even if he didn't blow everyone out of the water with any specific one.


With Shawn winning this years Olympia, do you think the judges are finally moving back to the old mentality of awarding completeness instead of dominance?

And if they are, do you personally think it's a good decision?

submitted by /u/ragnorke
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2Oc5eL8

This article has the most accurate examples of body fat % that I've ever seen.

This article has the most accurate examples of body fat % that I've ever seen. submitted by /u/Pollyhotpocketposts
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2QBjw4I

Thursday, October 4, 2018

In my opinion, the greatest bodybuilding picture of all time.

In my opinion, the greatest bodybuilding picture of all time. submitted by /u/chinnychenchen
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2yfFgLH

How to not over workout on your first day and not half your body aching for the rest of the week?

Any tips and suggestions for the first day workouts? I stopped training for a while and about to start again but I don’t want to over workout and not go again for another week

submitted by /u/damgerxmen
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2OBmsRy


The Malta Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness, represented by its President, Ralph Decelis, make another important step for the Bodybuilding in Malta.
President Decelis had a meeting with the Maltese Minister for Sport & Youth Hon. Dr Clifton Grima., reporting on the future project of activities, including the celebration of next years second edition of the successful Malta Diamond Cup, and other projects and developments.
Malta federation, under the leadership of president Decelis, keep progressing, contributing to the development of our sport and lifestyle in the Mediterranean area and internationally.
Picture: In the left, Ralph Decelis, followed by the Maltese Minister for Sport & Youth Hon. Dr Clifton Grima.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2NmZtF1

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Full-Body Workout Finisher Circuit

Arnold Schwarzenegger Gives Advice to All Bodybuilders in This 1992 Video

Fill out the /r/bodybuilding survey! (Open from Oct 2 - Oct 16, 2018)

Link to the survey: https://goo.gl/forms/3sIMF0gvwrHIQw3A2

Hey /r/bodybuilding, I made this survey for this subreddit and it'll be up for 2 weeks. It has 53 questions but each one is optional. I'm requiring you to sign in to Google so that each person only submits one response, but I'm not recording the emails so your responses will be anonymous to me. You can also edit your responses after you've hit the submit button.

There are almost 500K subscribers in this subreddit and there are 53 questions, so I'm going to be dealing with a lot of data. I'm not highly skilled in Excel, Python, or statistics, so I'd like a few volunteers to help me analyze and organize the data once this survey is over. For anyone who's already volunteered to help out, I'll make a post with the raw data file and tag you in it. If anyone else would like to be tagged too, send me a message or a post reply.

When analyzing the data, we'll try to remove the obvious joke answers. If everyone who comes up with nice analyses/graphs PM's me within a month of the survey completion, I'll compile all the graphics/findings into one post and share it with all of you. Whoever helps me out can get whatever flair they want (That's better than Reddit Gold, right?)

submitted by /u/EatLiftLifeRepeat
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2P0zHrM

Monday, October 1, 2018

Confusion on lean mass vs total body weight protein intake

When someone says “ you need to ingest .60-.80 G protein per pound of weight to maintain muscle mass” do they mean the lb of lean mass or the total body weight? What’s the difference between the two?

submitted by /u/slopcrusher
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2QorWMz

The Best Way To Bring Up Lagging Body Parts

To create a balanced bodybuilder physique, you need to understand why some of your muscles are not as developed as others, choose exercises that target these weaker muscles, and then do those exercises a lot, at least at first.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding https://bbcom.me/2Qq7WJI

The Best Way To Bring Up Lagging Body Parts

To create a balanced bodybuilder physique, you need to understand why some of your muscles are not as developed as others, choose exercises that target these weaker muscles, and then do those exercises a lot, at least at first.

from Muscle and Bodybuilding https://bbcom.me/2Qq7WJI

Breon breaks /r/bodybuilding

Breon breaks /r/bodybuilding submitted by /u/aslfit
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2QkGPQ3