Friday, October 19, 2018

How is exercise healthy for you when your body is screaming not to do it, ie if you feel like crap and are depressed and exhausted and can barely move - isn't then massive amounts of sedentary stillness and rest healthier and better - listening to your body?

I almost never feel like exercising or doing all this crazy sh!t, I'm usually very tired and stressed out. I eat super healthy. I don't see how adding a bunch of pounds of weights on my back is going to help improve my health when I am barely struggling to get through basic day-to-day tasks, make sense? I lay around a lot because I am so tired and feel like crap and dull. But people tell me" You've gotta exercise" DUDE, for me to get up right now and go run 10 miles or even 1 or start doing squats, it just seems ridiculous and harmful and even more damaging and stressful.

Honestly it feels like it's adding more stress, killing me, and causing hair loss. Serious. I've actually seen my hair get thinner and recede more after intense weight sessions, changing nothing else in my routine and diet. Like it's just adding too much stress, so, I wanna be buff and strong and lean, but, the training seems to be killing me faster, so, wtf, uhh....

Is seems like sitting in meditation or something or laying down in bed for 4 hours would be a better option at this point for healing and gaining strength? Oh and I noticed after exercising I would feel even more depressed and anxious irritable and tired for so many days after, and of course sore. It just seems like it is adding all this stress on my plate for my body, which is bad. Can anyone give any feedback here?!!

ALSO Some say it releases endorphins for pleasure that cut pain receptors but aren't these purpose to get us through a survival intense temporary fight? Adrenaline-crazed warriors DO NOT drop quickly, ask anyone in the military they can charge you and take like 3 bullets before they know they're hit. It's common in the military or boxing or MMA after hyper vigilance fighting others they literally pass out from exhaustion from all the burned adrenaline and cortisol the next day, this just doesn't sound healthy long term: numbing body signals and pain so you can fight better? I find myself super fucked up after exercising, even gently, so I'm like, isn't meditation or lots of bed rest the better move to strengthen my baseline? Vs getting depression and diarrhea the next day from being so nervous and stressed from all the added weights and body movements....

TLDR: I feel like shit and overwhelmed by life. How is adding 300 lbs on my back or going out running and panting going to make my life easier and me feel better when my body is screaming at me to lay down and rest and I am super tired most of the time?

submitted by /u/A1d4n_18
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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