Friday, January 27, 2017

Are you satisfied with your body?

Hi Guys, I contacted the moderators prior to posting to make sure it was okay to post this on here.

I’m conducting some research for my research project to see what type of male exerciser is most susceptible to negative body image and dissatisfaction depending on exercise/gym participation (number of times a week you go to the gym/do cardiovascular exercise), experience (how long have you been training for) and type of training performed (Resistance training, cardio dominant or a combination of both).

It's an online questionnaire (only for guys I’m afraid) and am required to get as many responses for it to useful data, so I need your help! I am asking for about 10 minutes of your time, it will allow you to reflect on your fitness goals specific questions about your body and psychology of lifting and/or aerobic training. The link to the questionnaire if you wish to click it is below and I would extremely grateful if anyone were to participate in the research.

Please note - on the question where you put your weight - if you exceed the weight limit or want to use LBS or KG click "other" and write it in below, as I have noticed people were having some issues with this

If you require more information or have any queries, please contact myself ( or Ruth Lowry ( (project supervisor).

If people are interested I will post my analysis on here in a few months.

Thank you so much for your time, and have a great day and good luck to your training endeavours.

submitted by /u/ScottS93
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

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