Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Would anyone want to see a video series of what it would be like for someone to be given all the resources of a pro bodybuilder and follow them through an off-season and competition prep?

Hey Guys!

I have a friend who is a CEO at a supplement company. We've been talking on and off for the last few months about content that people actually want to see. I'm actually big into the production side of filmmaking and content creation and have just started work on a feature length documentary that will hopefully be out in 18 months to 2 years and that is how we got onto the subject.

One of the big issues he brought up was that most content put out by supplement companies is all the same. It's that old muscular development style of videos where everything kind of feels like an act. I told him that there are some really great you tubers out there as far as content but that most of those people aren't really high level bodybuilders. We started talking about what it would be like to show someone who wasn't a high level bodybuilder and give them all the tools to get to that level. (Well as close to that level as genetics would allow) To be honest and show what it really takes for someone going through the process. Training, diet, doctors visits, emails from coaches... every step of the way. From what I know... and I consume a lot of online content... there isn't anything else out there like this. A lot of this i think is because of bodybuilders fearing the repercussions of being that honest. It could effect their entire career.

I won't go into to much detail about the film I'm making but the content matter is pretty close but less advertiser friendly. So when he brought it up I was more than willing to be a part of it. It helps me out with the film I'm making and it helps his company put out quality content.

I guess the only question left is if there would be an audience for it. Would you guys want to see that? So that is why I'm reaching out here? I want to know what you guys think? What concerns do you have with a project like this and what would be some of the aspects you would be most interested in if this were to happen? I'm thinking a daily vlog series and an accompanying written post in the description of the video or one linked in the description. I was already working on putting one out as a behind the scenes for the film so this wouldn't be much of a stretch. I don't know if it would be posted here. That would be up to the mods. But this form is much less naive than others so I thought it would be a good place to collect real constructive feedback.

One thing I told him is that it would need to be extremely transparent that this was a sponsored series. That just because we knew each other didn't change the fact that he was the CEO of a company that sells products. I'm not really a big fan of most supplement companies or fitness celebrities... actually that's putting it really nicely. That being said a project like this isn't really possible without help from a supplement company.



submitted by /u/BenStoneFit
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2sHxhCs

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